No matter how old you are, there’s something about a box of Crayola crayons. I can’t remember the last time I used them. It’s been years and years. I was fascinated by them when I was younger, more so than the average child. My art grades in kindergarten were never fantastic because I’d spend three […]
Representation in the Media In present day media, there are numerous stereotypes of people that can be found, such as the popular jock or the dumb cheerleader. These stereotypes are displayed on television shows and others forms of media to add humour and make the shows more relatable to the viewer since many schools have […]
Think. Think. Think. An essay? Hmm… But what to write abou- A play! Down the field, they cross the ball, and ohh, I call it offside. What a drag. I really should pay better attention, but being the assistant referee on the sidelines of an under tens girl’s game when red is up by six. […]
Enhancing my current HIM skills set in Analytic and InformaticsHealth Information has changed significantly over the years. As HIM professionals we are finding that there are now vast career options related to analytic and informatics. In reading the AHIMA article” HIM as the Middleman to Informatics and Data Analytics” October 06, 2016, by Lesley Kadlec, […]
Litmus, what is it? And why is it important? Litmus was first used around 1300 AD by Arnaldus de Villa Nova, a Spanish alchemist . The word Litmus, comes from the Norse word, meaning ‘to dye, or color’ . Litmus is a common acid-base indicator. Acid-base indicators are indicators used in chemistry as chemical detectors. […]
Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (27 October 1466 – 12 July 1 536), known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, or simply Erasmus, was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian. He was most widely known for his critical and satirical writings. He attempted to reform the Church and because of that, was prosecuted […]
Barack Obama Announces Nominations of Key Economic Team Members Delivered 24 November 2008, Chicago, IllinoisThe news this past week, including this morning’s news about Citigroup, has made it even more clear that we are facing an economic crisis of historic proportions. Our financial markets are under stress. New home purchases in October were the lowest […]
“It’s just hair.” That was my defense, my justification to the widened eyes and dropped jaws. When people asked how I could do it – how I could go from my socially acceptable, shoulder-length hair to a mohawk – my response was always the same: “It’s just hair.” In my innocent, unassuming mind, a change, […]
Kolb and Gardner Learning styles and how this can assist the learner progressing, into higher education. Within this assessment, the learner will consider David Kolb experiential learning theory (1984) and Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligence (1983). The learner will then look at how this knowledge can assist their progression in further studies in Counselling […]
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Business travelers who want to minimize jet lags, mothers who wants to spend time for themselves, persons with back problems seeking for relief, weekend warriors who are sore from overexertion, an obese man who needs help in controlling his weight, or a couple who wants to reconnect, all come to one place […]