As an external auditor is required to be independent of the company when perform auditing services. If an auditor being to perform internal audit and management consulting services for the same company which they provided auditing services, there will have some issues arise. The issues included whether the auditor can be independent in mind and […]
According to Brewster (1995, cited by Wilton, 2010), an organisation’s Human Resource Management policies are dictated by international, national, and organisational constraints. The impact of such limitations, particularly in the midst of an increasingly globalised society, is of particular importance with the continued growth of Multinational Corporations (MNCs). With business extending across regional, national and […]
This chapter will review the e-banking system in Malaysia and review the relevant literature on consumer perception towards e-banking. In addition, this literature review also considers the discussion of customer satisfaction and loyalty towards internet banking. 2.1 Benefits and Dis-advantages of Internet Banking 2.1.1 Benefits of Internet Banking Bu using internet, clients can access to […]
In recent years, it has virtually become a fashion for Indian companies to go global. According to statistics, despite great confidence and enthusiasm, companies soon find that going global is much more difficult and thorny than they have expected. Therefore, the question is not so much whether to go global or not as how to […]
1.0 INTRODUCTION Children’s toy is an object for children to play with which can create enjoyment or pleasure to them rather than for a serious purpose (Oxford, 2007). Toys comes in a wide range of categories such as from dolls, plush toys, vehicles, construction sets, puzzles, physical activity toys, collectibles, educational toys, robotics, electronic toys […]
Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) describe an approach to education that focuses on the child as a developing human being and lifelong learner. This approach recognized the child as an active participant in the learning process; a participant who constructs meaning and knowledge through interaction with others, friends and family, materials and environment (Houser, D. & […]
Cell phones are a must have in the modern society. They have become so central to the daily life that most people find it really hard to do without them. Just by a swipe, everything from banking services to online shopping to payment of bills are done right there on the small gadget (Brown et […]
In this assignment, I have doing research on Tesco, UK. Tesco is the leading retailer in UK. Other than UK, it is also manages over thousand of supermarkets and Hypermarkets in Ireland, Central Europe and Asia. I start with Value chain analysis (internal analysis) of Tesco. This tool used to demonstrate the Inbound Logistics, Operation, […]
New Mexico is located on the southern parts of America and it consists of several mountains, extensive lands and also among the least densely populated states. The State is inhabited by the Native American inhabitants for several centuries such as the Indians. New Mexico State formed part of the Royal Spanish rule Spain that was […]
Topshop is one of the biggest British fashion store for young women mainly selling fashion clothes, shoes and accessories. This clothing stores with operations in over 20 countries. And most of the store operates in the United Kingdom, another 100 selling abroad. The flagship store in London Oxford Street is the biggest fashion store in […]