Security concerns are always a priority within a developing society; in simultaneity with the developing of individuals into groups, tribes, societies and ultimately the nations and states. In contemporary world it is generally assumed that states are the basic unit of international socio political arrangements. Idea of national security can be traced back to concept […]
The key characteristics of quantitative analyses begin with the world view that traditionally shapes the thoughts of those who participate in quantitative research. The postpoistivist engages in the scientific method beginning by stating a theory. The method is engaged in the research of questions or hypotheses. In seeking answers to research questions or hypotheses researchers […]
Semiotics is the doctrine of signs. Signs take the form of anything that society invests meaning into. Such signs as words, images, sounds, odours, flavours, acts or objects only become signs when they are interpreted as having meaning (Chandler, 2009). Roland Barthes was a French theorist who had a major contribution to structuralist semiotics. His […]
IPod Advertising Analysis —— Evaluation of the effectiveness of Apple’s iPod advertisements 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Released by Apple, iPod has led a new generation of portable music players for MP3-files. The product has had a profound impact on the market and it currently becomes a sought after artifact to music fans all over the […]
The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computers used for the storing and transmission of data. The Internet was launched in 1969 in the United States to develop a national computer to connect a research computer from a university to other research computers at other universities for the users to share information (Leaver, 2011). […]
Education has the unique ability to promote social change and personal wellbeing, whilst simultaneously “contribute to building a just and democratic society” (Aikman & Unterhalter, 2007). The Western world would consider education a fundamental human right to promote personal freedoms, and with it the power to choose one’s own individual future, but also the future […]
The revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), published in 1996 was authored by Aaron Beck, Robert A. Steer, and Gregory K. Brown. Similar to its predecessor, it consists of 21multiple choice questions that assist in determining the severity of depression. Each item consists of four statements arranged in order to ascertain the severity of a certain […]
The x-ray tube is the most important part of the x-ray machine because the tube is where the x-rays are actually produced. The production of x-rays requires a rapidly moving stream of electrons that are suddenly decelerated or stopped. (C., Andy, 2008). Basically this means that when fast-moving electrons slam into a metal object x-rays […]
This report outlines the operations management of New Walk Museum and London zoo respectively and then makes a comparison between these two leisure facilities. New walk museum is a special museum with a range of collections and focus on both the natural and cultural world. The report is divided into three sections. The fist two […]
Racial profiling is a type of discrimination whereby the police force uses an individual’s race or ethnic background to judge or suspect if the person has committed a crime. The expression “driving while black” resulted from racial profiling; this is because African American motorists regularly complained that detectives used to pull them over without a […]