In contrast, during the Hanoverian period during which Austen lived, society was based on the material possessions of an individual (or their future inheritance), family connections, and marriage. Chaucer outlines his time period through his characters: the church body through the Friar, and the working class through the Plowman. Likewise, Austen uses her protagonist, Mrs. […]
In his message, Franklin advises his friend that marriage is the best solution not for only sexual desires but also the undisputable source of solid happiness. Having suspicions that his friend would not follow his guidance, Franklin recommends him to choose older mistresses instead of younger ones and lists eight valuables reasons to better support […]
Video games are a favorite past time for kids and adults as well. Video game is gaining popularity by the day. Studies reveal that computer and video games play a vital role in healing and convalescing. Studies also show that the excitement of video games makes playing them addictive. They are not just for entertainment […]
Analysis of Euphemism from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle [Abstract]: Euphemism plays an important role in our daily interaction with others. Appropriate use of euphemism guarantees smooth communication between speakers. Likewise, the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle also ensure efficient and successful communication among people. However, it is notable that the […]
There are two political theories that I combined and will implement if I were to be placed as the highest-ranking official of the country. These are the theories of Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I chose to unite the two theories because both of them, as I was reading through its contents, had the biggest […]
Andrew Marvell was a famous Metaphysical Poet. Marvell lived from 1621 to 1678 and made a few accomplishments, his poem has unique style and theme for his time, and his poem contains a deep analysis. He wrote several love poems; “To His Coy Mistress” was one of his most unusual poems for the time in […]
This article presents a case study highlighting the conflict between an individual’s right to privacy and the rights of patients and staff to know when a professional standard has been breached. The process by which the administrator determines a course of action is reviewed in the context of workplace realities through an ethical analysis. The […]
Every good citizen makes his county’s honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and its conscious that he gains protections while he gives it. ” This quote by Andrew Jackson reflects his views as a president, military leader, and American […]
Trice Riddle Mrs. Jennifer Sikes English 1020 11 February 2009 The Unknown Continent Many people know about it and have seen it on maps before but they still do not pay attention to detail or really care. People still say today that it is a country but it is a continent made up of countries. […]
Ammonia Treatment in Textile Processing BY Mrzatnqazt “Ammonia Treatment in Textile Processing” Before Studding “Ammonia Treatment” we have to know about the Pretreatments in textile processing…. Why we do Pre-Treatments? Pretreatment is the heart of processing of textile. Grey cloth after weaving is quite unattractive and contains numerous natural as well as added impurities which […]