Leon Panetta & Martin Dempsey Opening Statements and Press Q&A on the Direct Ground Combat Exclusion Rule re Women in Combat delivered 24 January 2013, Washington, D.C.
Mark Twain Taxes and Morals delivered 22 January 1906, New York
Oskar Schindler Farewell Address to Jewish Factory Workers at Brünnlitz delivered 7 May 1945The non-conditional surrender of the German armed forces has just been announced.
King Edward VIII Abdication Address delivered 12 December 1936
John Kerry Address at the 28th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Council delivered 2 March 2015, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks American Israel Public Affairs Committee Address delivered 12 March 2013, Washington, D.C.
Nikki Haley Human Rights Address at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies delivered 6 June 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
Kenneth Burke A Theory of Terms delivered 1966, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey
John F. Kennedy Speech at the Mormon Tabernacle delivered 26 September 1963, Salt Lake City, Utah
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North Opening Statement to Joint Iran Contra Congressional Committee delivered 9 July 1987