CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A literature review is a concise overview of what has been studied, argued and establishes about a topic, it also entails about the major findings as well as reviewing the tools and techniques used by the previous studies. This chapter provides review of related literature associated with Work Life Balance of […]
Consider a country that has experienced near full employment but, due to the openness of its economy, is unable to deal with its persistent and large CA deficit in its balance of payments. Due to unexpected political events, the country unexpectedly witnesses a depreciation of its currency which analysts believe will help to improve its […]
CHAPTER-III DATA BASE AND METHODOLOGY The excellence of any empirical research mainly depends on the choice of database and suitable methodology. The study covers 10 years time period from 2005 to 2015 when major subprime crisis occurred in the USA and Indian financial sector was mostly exposit to it. Our research work completely dependent on […]
Many people perceive women’s rights movements as tactics to push for female power in society rather than female empowerment. Fundamentally, women’s rights can be equated with human rights, and should be treated as so. Even though half of society is comprised of women, a majority of positions of authority and leadership are occupied by men. […]
To carry or not to carry: aiming at safety on campus On March 10, 2017 when I was in my English class, my phone vibrated as messages from the school warned student to stay away from an evacuated area on the campus. The evacuation was then lifted after a suspicious item was found and determined […]
According to an online-dictionary ( petroleum is an oily flammable bituminous liquid that may vary from almost colourless to black, occurs in many places in the upper strata of the earth, is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with small amounts of other substances, and is prepared for use as gasoline, naphtha, or other products by […]
Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training 1.1 Analyse the application of pedagogical principles in own area of specialism. Pedagogical Model: Understanding by Design (UbD) is an academic framework for designing curriculum units, performance assessments and instruction that evolve a deeper and better understanding amongst the learners. It facilitates the process of learning […]
Chapeter 5 Heat Orchestration 5.1 Brief Details of Heat Heat is the main project for orchestration part of OpenStack. Implementation of orchestration engine for multiple composite cloud application. It is the sequence of lines code in text file format. A native heat format can be evolving, but heat also endeavors to provide compatibility with AWS cloud […]
3.1. Introduction In order to follow a controlled research process it is essential for a researcher to understand type of his research, and identify the material (data) that he will need to collect, and analyse, to answer his research questions and achieve research objectives (Dawson, 2002). Research methodology is a systematic way to solve research […]
Guide showing the structure and use of 3D Models Topic 1 Structure of 3D models 3D coordinate systems Explain – There are two types of coordinate systems that are commonly used in 3D graphics, either left or right handed, in both coordinate systems both the positive X and Y axis are the same with the […]