In today’s world when the global economy is striving to recover and re-stabilise the growth, many of the organisations are hit by a major crisis in the area of talent management. In an attempt to save them from being subjected to huge debts and liquidation, many of the organisations made quick moves in removing their […]
During this period the face and path of South Africa were forever changed by the discovery of rich mineral deposits in the interior. The subsequent scramble for control of these riches led to the total subjugation of the indigenous people, the confiscation of land, and the laying of the foundation of segregation of the races. […]
INTRODUCTION Over the last thirty years there has been a sharp increase of research on the differences between men and women, in particular the extent to which men and women use language differently. The purpose of this project is to identify the differences between male and female speech and how society’s attitude towards gender has […]
INTRODUCTION I will outline a personal experience, which identifies aspects of effective communication. I was a student nurse of about ten weeks on my first placement fourteen years ago. I was working on an acute medical ward when a patient I was looking after became unwell and clammy. I aim to explore my feelings about […]
I conducted 50 interviews was representative of Thai Buddhist in Kedah, 25 were male and 15 were female and 10 monks, they ranged in age from 23 years old to 77 years old. They have been practicing and learning Buddhists for a long time every occasion, but as will be seen in the deepest understanding […]
Investment climate is the economical, institutional, policy, and regulatory environment in which firms operate. A PESTL analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment that affects all firms. P.E.S.T.L. is an acronym for the Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal factors of the external macro-environment. Such external factors usually are beyond the firm’s control and […]
Mr. Jeffrey Chew is the Director and CEO of OCBC Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Bank, Malaysia. OCBC Bank Malaysia Berhad has been in Malaysia in more than 70 years. OCBC is a Singapore bank which was formed in 1932, merger of three local banks. OCBC is also one of the highest rated banks in world. It […]
INTRODUCTION The word “Aging” and “Old Age” are highly subjective. “Aging” is defined as the time from birth to the present for a living individual, as measured in specific units (John Anne). The meaning of old and aging depend to a great extent on how old the speaker is and that person’s experiences. The process […]
This chapter literature review is presented by using review of previous studies. The literature explains green consumption, green consumer behavior and factors influence consumer behavior. During the past decade environment become a serious issue that leading to environmental problems have been concerned from public and the environmental awareness has occurred. Environmental knowledge from media, society, […]
It was the late 1950s and early 1960s that the movement that we now come to know as postmodernism began to emerge. In the words of Susan Sontag, a critic of American culture, it came with the emergence of a “new sensibility”, and this involves a blurring of the distinction between “high” and “low” culture. […]