Presenting language through texts Texts have been used in language classrooms for many years. There are many reasons for teachers using texts. Firstly, they use texts as a linguistic objects. Secondly, they use texts as vehicle for information. And for the last reason, they use texts as a springboard for production. So texts in language […]
Quasi-realism is an anti-realist non-cognitive meta-ethical theory because it argues that no moral statements are fundamentally descriptive; they don’t describe a moral reality. Rather moral statements are statements that ‘project our sentiments’ (Blackburn in Miller 2003:52) on to actions. The meaning of moral statements is not what they refer to (because quasi-realism is anti-realist, there […]
Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford invented the assembly line, a factory layout in which work passes from one operation to the next until workers (who remain stationary) finish the product. In 1913, Ford installed the first moving assembly line in one of his automobile manufacturing plants. By the late 20th century, however, people began […]
Single-parent families can be defined as families where a parent lives with dependent children, either alone or in a larger household, without a spouse or partner. Single-parent is a parent who cares for one or more children without physical assistance of another parent in home. “Single parenthood” may vary according to the local laws of different […]
The purpose of this project is to study the various facets of the South Korean Economy and thereby analyse through various indicators the current economic condition. Also the project aims at understanding how monetary policy, fiscal policy and trade policy have been used to control various macroeconomic parameters and how they have impacted the economy […]
Introduction: Technology plays a major role in modern life that affects all the aspect of human activities. Therefore our societies get a lot of benefits from modern technology. Universities and colleges for example have so many facilities. Such as labs with sophisticated computer devices, internet connections with high speed, projectors and smart boards. Using these […]
United Kingdom interestedly was the first country that pioneered industrialisation in the 1880’s, making it a bench mark for other emerging economies within that era. France was not endowed with both the technological and natural resources like the UK and was bedevilled by internal political crises, making industrialisation slow in comparison with Britain. Industrialisation is […]
The primary objective of this study was to examine whether verbal and spatial working memory capacity correlates with multitasking efficiency. Other studies have found a relationship between working memory and multi tasking such as Law (2006) whose findings suggested that the central executive and the phonological loop component of working memory were implicated by a […]
Environmental ethics is the ethical relationship between people and the environment in which we live. There are many ethical issues and decisions that people make, within the respect of the environment. Environmental quality is necessary for human life. People rebuild their environments every day. The environment is filled with artifacts, soil, air, water, and the […]
This study aims to examine how different strategies and processes are used in sociolinguistics, as a way of adjustment of the writer’s manner of address, in relation to his or her perception of the addressee; focusing on the use of determiners. The hypothesis for this study is therefore: fewer determiners will be deleted from the […]