Australia dissertation writers

Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics)

Cancer Symptoms and their Management Symptom Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics) Possible Nursing Diagnosis Interventions (including Medications and complementary alternative therapy) Anemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Neuropathy Cognitive disorders Chemo Induced Nausea (CIN) Mucositis Alopecia Pain ________________________- Symptom: Anemia Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics): Fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat. Diagnostics may include blood tests to […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Scenario:”45-year-old woman presents with chief complaint of 3-day duration

Scenario:”45-year-old woman presents with chief complaint of 3-day duration of shortness of breath, cough with thick green sputum production, and fevers. The patient has history of COPD with chronic cough but states the cough has gotten much worse and is interfering with her sleep. Sputum is thicker and harder for her to expectorate. CXR reveals […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Essay 3000 Words Assessment

Assessment Information Cohort 01/21 BSc(Hons) Nursing – Mental Health Credits: 20 Semester: 2 Year: 2023 Email: Overview Assessment(s) Category Type Scope 1 Coursework Essay 3000 Words Assessment 1 Summative Assignment – 3,000-word essay Weighting: 100% of grade achieved Submission Date: Monday, 07 August 2023 at 12:00 Assessment Title: A critically reflective and critically analytic examination […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Quality Improvement and Evidence-Based Practice for Intraoperative Timeout: A Plan for Dissemination

Topic: Quality Improvement Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Platform Dissemination . Instruction for Essay From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website, I identified a quality issue or gap. I chose Comprehensive Unit-based safety program (CUSP) to support my improvement plan. Which is: Intraoperative Timeout (briefing, timeout, debriefing) Assignment: using the AHRQ comprehensive unit-based safety […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Strategic Collaborations for Success in MSN Program and Nursing Practice

Teams to Collaborate with in MSN Program Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse. Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN program and […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023


Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Prepared by: This document is to be used for NURS 6002 Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing to complete Assessments 1-4. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success. For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Explain how you can enhance the quality of your product and elucidate

Assume you’re in the business of making and selling Oromo cultural clothes. Customers complain about your product’s lack of inventiveness and quality (10 pts). a) Explain how you can enhance the quality of your product and elucidate the type of human resource(team) environment that influences your company’s team practice there. b) Assume you are a […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

OMGT1062 Transportation and Freight Logistics

OMGT1062 Transportation and Freight Logistics Assessment Task 3: Transportation Plan Assessment Type: Written Report (Individual) Word limit: 2,000 words (±5%) Due date: 3:00PM (Melbourne time) Friday, 02ndJune 2023 (Week 13) Weighting: 50% Overview The aim of this assessment task is to assess the extent to which you have understood and internalized knowledge regarding the structures, […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

PSYC5007 Assessment 1 2000 words

PSYC5007 Assessment 1 Critical Reflection Portfolio (2000 words, worth 40%) Due date:Sunday of Week 3 at 11:59pm The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to critically evaluate secondary reports of psychological research. By completing this assessment, the students should show that they know when the secondary reports of psychology research […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Vital Organs / Unconscious State

Vital Organs / Unconscious State After studying the course materials located on Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following: 1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs. 2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions. 3. Is it possible to live without a […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

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