Australia essay writers

Research disaster planning, preparedness, and response in your community

Research disaster planning, preparedness, and response in your community. Develop 10 interview questions for use with first responders about local community disaster planning, preparedness, and response to use in community interviews. Include questions about how responders work with the community. Interview workers and leaders at the following community locations in person or online: • Local fire station […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Trends of Substance Abuse in your community

Introduction 5 pts Trends of Substance Abuse in your community. What are the trends in substance abuse over the past 5 years in the community that you live in. 10 points Role of School Nurse in drug abuse prevention/screening What role does the school nurse have in substance abuse prevention? What Primary prevention strategies can […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

Creating a cross-platform digital marketing plan

Scenario Your agency administrator has tasked you with creating a cross-platform digital marketing plan that the Costa’s Customs can implement. You have been asked to summarize your knowledge of digital marketing and understanding of Costa’s clothing market in a slide presentation for the executive team which includes five other directors and the CEO. You were […]

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Date: May 15th, 2023

What are the key environmental concerns associated with offshore drilling, and what measures can be taken to mitigate these risks

What are the key environmental concerns associated with offshore drilling, and what measures can be taken to mitigate these risks Offshore drilling is the process of extracting oil and gas from beneath the seabed. This process poses significant environmental risks that can harm marine life, cause oil spills, and contribute to climate change. In this […]

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Date: February 20th, 2023

Ethical Topics by Areas of Science

Ethical Topics by Areas of Science Ethics is a crucial aspect of every discipline, and it plays a significant role in shaping the decisions and actions of professionals in different fields. Here are some ethical topics to consider in various areas of science: Nursing Ethics Nursing ethics encompasses the ethical principles and values that guide […]

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Date: February 20th, 2023

Personal ethics essay

Personal ethics essay Living by Your Own Rules: A Guide to Developing Strong Personal Ethics Introduction: Personal ethics refer to a set of moral principles that an individual uses to guide their decision-making process. Personal ethics vary from person to person and are influenced by various factors such as culture, religion, upbringing, and personal experiences. […]

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Date: February 20th, 2023

What is the difference between clinical psychology and medical psychology?

What is the difference between clinical psychology and medical psychology? Psychology is a broad field that offers several specializations, including clinical psychology and medical psychology. Although both fields deal with mental health, they have distinct differences in terms of training, focus, and practice. In this article, we will discuss in detail the differences between clinical […]

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Date: February 19th, 2023

List 2-3 self-defeating internal dialogues

List 2-3 self-defeating internal dialogues and briefly explain how to change them. Examine 2-3 cognitive distortions and explain how to change these distortions. Define burnout. Explain the relationship between stress and burnout and list 2-3 stress management preventions. Self-defeating internal dialogues: a) Negative self-talk: This is a pattern of thinking that focuses on the negative […]

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Date: February 19th, 2023

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