When the Curtain Goes Up I was probably 8 years old. And now as I stood behind the curtain the weeks of preparation finally made sense. The hairspray coma and the fury of lipstick made sense. The changing and re-sizing of my “oh so adorable” gun holsters that swayed in time with my frayed cowgirl […]
Glaring out the window she noticed the beautiful trees swaying from left to right. The sweet sunshine hit her face with a radiance of glee and the clouds rolled away to open the view of the sharp blue sky. Abruptly, the bell rang and signaled another day of school. The teacher stepped up to the […]
She quietly hobbled into the clinic when her number was called, clearly in excruciating pain. When asked what was troubling her, she lifted her left leg to reveal the sole of her foot. The entire medical team froze in shock. A cut on her left foot had become so infected that we could almost see […]
Charlotte National Golf Club is a place where I played golf, practiced golf, ate sausage biscuits, and worked long hours. Sunday mornings at Charlotte National always had the guarantee to be especially eventful. I will never forget the feeling of it being unbearably cold as my buttocks came in contact with the wet cart seat […]
In my preschool play, of snow white, yours truly starred as the Evil Witch, well known for the infamous “apple” bit. By first grade, I wanted complete solitude; being left alone with piles of paper and a Crayola set, and I was in utter bliss. I even enrolled in art class (which, I admit now […]
What, in your opinion, is the most over-used ideaexpressed in a popular saying? It’s what starry-eyed lovers whisper asthey gaze at a Paris sunset, what 10-year-olds shout to their mothers as theysprint toward the already departing morning bus, and what teenage girls screamand squeal at their favorite Backstreet Boy. It’s supposed to be the deepestlevel […]
I never really thought that my life could change forever by one simple video. A life changing moment I have experienced in my life happened when I was about 10 years old. I happened to be at home on the computer surfing through the internet. I stumbled across a game studio’s website with their studio […]
The sound of opening brand new tennis balls fills my ears with a powerful pssht. Today is another game day, this time we – the girls’ tennis team – are up against our rivals from Oak Ridge. I am playing a doubles game with a powerful teammate who can hit fast, deep serves. And yet, […]
“Please, can we have a story?” “Okay, but only one because it’s bedtime.” The two scramble for a place on my lap as if it’s stadium seating. Their freshly shampooed heads dampen my shirt with a fruity fragrance. As I turn the page, I hear a crisp rustle that comforts me more than any other […]
Mentally, I am a type of soldier. I eat two squares of dark chocolate everyday that I leave the house- four for stressful events. My consistent intake of chocolate occurs because of my necessity for order –quasi-OCD, or so people tell me. The specific type of dark chocolate that I eat, Lindt 70% cocoa, serves […]