SPECIAL TOPIC IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY SCIENCE ACADEMIC TALK REPORT OF BLUE ARCHIPELAGO BERHAD WAN MAISARAH BINTI WAN ZAMRI INTRODUCTION A leading shrimp aquaculture company named Blue Archipelago Berhad (BAB) is a subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the strategic investment arm of the government of Malaysia. The establishment of this company was since 2010. The […]
Alaina Davis While some people may disagree that violent media contributes to violent children, the fact remains that violence is now part of our everyday world. Many tragedies, from the Gulf War to the loss of the World Trade Center Towers were televised nightly or even 24 hours a day on some news channels. I […]
Eyewitness identifications during identification procedures such as show ups, live line ups and photo line ups are reliable to an extent in the forensic discipline, but are mostly fallible when assisting police with their enquiries regarding suspects and offenders, due to the fact that the reliability is dependent on a variety of factors relating to […]
Runtime Adaptation of Service With Feedback Control Self Optimization T.Priyaradhikadevi, R.Anandhi Abstract In a composite service which needs to be in uncertain and changing optimized environment which have service selection along with runtime adaptation. For maximum satisfaction for stakeholders quality and requirement needs for adapting composite services which responds to various environments. Service selection […]
When a person commits a crime and is caught, they often go to jail. Once in jail, they are under strict rules about what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. This is punishment. However, many jails also offer rehabilitative services, like counseling or work programs. Which is more beneficial, the […]
J.VINI Racheal ABSTRACT – The Map Reduce framework provides a scalable model for large scale data intensive computing and fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to improve the I/O performance of the distributed file systems. The technique is used to reduce the communication bandwidth and increase the performance in the distributed file […]
The term sexual or gender equality has very often been linked with a horde of shameless man-hating feminists who comb the streets in masses advocating equality for both sexes. These ugly images are often turned into public jokes as men comment that the female species has already been given more rights than it really deserves. […]
Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults 1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults Working with children requires you to build relationships with them, but also in ways that are professional. The quality of the relationship that you have […]
The major issues in creating items and response scales are to determine the types of survey scales to use. The primary function of the survey scale is to allocate weight and to provide significance to the answers collected. If a scale does not exist than there’s no means to qualify the answers on any particular […]
Title: executive summaries of specified papers Triggers for self abuse; A qualitative study, Mary T Weber, Archives of psychiatric nursing, Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2002, Pages 118-124. This paper is essentially a qualitative study of a small cohort of 9 self abusing women. It was constructed using an analysis of a total of 42 […]