Numerous debates plague our politics these days, and one that affects me directly is the issue of gay marriage. People from every background and lifestyle seem to have a strong opinion on this topic, so I’ve decided to join them. Contrary to popular belief, homosexual citizens are actually people too, and therefore deserve the same […]
BREAKING NEWS: Coming as a shock to absolutely no one, rumors about the alleged escape of Killer Silence have been confirmed. According to reports from the Deputy of Speaking Your Mind, this criminal is highly persuasive and poses a threat to anyone with personal values. Killer Silence has been known to wreak havoc during times […]
“The happiness I feel at this moment is indescribable. It is difficult to explain the joy I feel standing in front of so many young people interested in becoming doctors. I owe my life to my doctors. Because of their help I stand here today, five years strong with AIDS.” Marcus was just one of […]
The digits flash red on the clock at the end of the ice arena. 6:45. These numbers bring on both groans and cheers from the skaters around me. The simple figures signify that Coach Michael’s weekly power class has begun. We circle around him and await the fateful word that defines the next half hour. […]
I remember being seven years old and traveling to Chicago by train to visit the Bean. I do not know if my own family knew why I was so entranced by that thing, but the warped images it spat out entertained me upon multiple occasions for an embarrassingly long amount of time. I liked being […]
Have you ever glanced at somebody and notice something unfamiliar about them? Their appearance, style, accent, or maybe the way they behave. We’ve all been raised to tell a different story. My whole life has been about doing my best and trying to impress people around me. Not everybody will make it to the mountain […]
In case my transcript isn’t a clear enough indication, I am not and have never been a math person. I don’t get excited at the thought of breaking down a polynomial, and in my free time, Sudoku would probably come last on my list-o-fun. During my educational career I heard it a million times: “You’re […]
It is a four-layered cake garnished with vines of forest green climbing their way up and around orange, pink, red and purple Gerber daisies. The delicious butter cream frosting hides a delicate cake of perfect whiteness surrounded by strawberry filling. It’s a cake I have been planning in my head, a cake that I dream […]
Most boys grow up with dreams of being a superhero– a paragon of wonder and virtue, with extraordinary powers used to save the world. I suppose I was not much different; but instead of a cape, I wanted scrubs, and instead of super-strength or the ability to fly, I wanted the power of scientific and […]
With a tremendous bang, the top of the port diesel engine exploded and smashed a huge hole in the deck, leaving a smoking crater and scattering splatters of flaming diesel fuel everywhere. As I tried desperately to think what to do, I suddenly felt a tremendous crack on my forehead as it smacked into something […]