I was never afraid of anything. As an elementary school tomboy, I would pick up spiders, eat worms, and sleep without a nightlight. As I got older, I wore wild outfits and stuck to my opinion no matter how much ridicule I received. In high school, I signed up for the hardest courses I could, […]
For over a year now, I’ve been on a journey. The purpose for my quest is to find my faith in God, and ultimately myself, filling a void I’ve carried with me for too long. This journey has challenged me intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and, at times, physically. Ever since my Great Grandma Fran passed away […]
Why are odd numbers so odd ? Let us explore this question. The fact that odd numbers have been named that make them odd, right? Or are they in reality odd at all? The answer to this question honestly depends on who answers. Answering this question all depends on your perspective. If you have my […]
Diversity – can it be defined? Shouldn’t every person be a living example of it? I am as different as night and day. I am probably the only Mexican in existence who dislikes Mexican food. My main contradiction, though, is my personality and my love for theater. I am a Dallasite through and through. From […]
I have never spoken words to you because I was afraid you would not listen. That, and ever since you entered my life, you have pushed me and pulled me and drained me of strength, and I fear this confrontation may set you off again. However, there are things that need to be said and […]
This is easier said than done! Finding your faith is like looking for a cat in a pond. No matter how hard you look, you will never find it. You’ll never find perfect faith; however, you will see glimpses of it. Faith is a parachute on a fighter plane. You have to believe that if […]
Freedom comes from unexpected places. To wake up on a mattress as the morning sun leaks through hand-crocheted curtains, undoubtedly haggled from one of the local markets, and open a huge window to feel the pleasant, familiar smell of fresh bread from the bakery less than a football field away is freedom. To walk for […]
“Hello, this is Guilford Riding School, Jill speaking,” said a welcoming woman’s voice. “Hi, my name is Cara. I was just wondering if you offered lessons thatI could work for?” I replied shyly. I had been looking for a chance to horseback ride since I was six. My parents wanted me to try other sports. […]
Breathe in. Breathe out. Look up. Toss arm. SMACK! The ball sails across the net and lands neatly in the service box. As I jump into the box and pull my body into the ready position, my opponent moves toward the ball. The world slows, and the girl on the other side of the net […]
October 2, 2005. 7 a.m. the alarm clock rang. I popped out of bed, excited and nervous. The first thought on my mind, “Today is the day, my first official football game.” I’ve played before but not like this. Not in pads, not with a helmet on my head. My heart started racing, beating faster […]