I was uneasy. It was my first cruise, and I did not know what to expect. The wind whipped through my hair and threatened the ends of my dress as I staggered after Ashley—the experienced cruise go-er—aboard the swaying ship. I admit that I can be socially awkward. Knowing this, I allowed Ashley to make […]
Dear Dad, One of my most distinct memories of my childhood is one of me accompanying you to the hospital for your daily rounds. I recall the love and esteem you received from your patients and coworkers. I also recall the comments I received from them; “Oh how adorable, you look just like your father!” […]
Back when I was in elementary school, I remember entering an Easter card design contest. We drew a picture on a small square piece of paper, and the winner was supposed to get two hundred Toys ‘R’ Us dollars and his or her design made into an actual Easter card. I drew two bunny heads […]
At the airport, my family and I wait patiently at the gate for the flight. My little brother presses his nose against the window and stares in awe at the immense flying machines. He runs from window to window, excitedly exclaiming about the different types of planes. Suddenly, one leaves a nearby gate, and his […]
The sun’s warm rays send goose bumps through my body as I’m sitting on the once white bench, tapping my foot to the beat of my iPod. The song takes me back to my childhood. Back to when I was young and naive. Back to when my life was simple. And back in time to […]
The sky darkens as tiny drops of clear water dampen my surroundings. Cars drive by, as usual, except now leaving a trail of precipitation. I raise my head to the sky and absorb all that drops upon me. The rain falls so gracefully onto my face. For the first time in a while, I feel […]
Despite their degrees and supposed wisdom some professors just don’t know how to teach. Their wisdom and knowledge is found to be lacking when it comes to identifying what their students need help with and how to teach them. This leaves students annoyed frustrated and angry and wishing with all their might that the class […]
As the Sun rose its hour began to awaken the every pulsating wonders of everything in its path. I found myself in an unsettling state of mind with thoughts of what troubles and worries this new day would bring. As I sat there in the car with my cup of French vanilla because coffee was […]
For as long as I could remember, money was tight in my household, and once my younger brother and sister joined the picture it only got worse. Both of my parents chose a path in life that involved not going to college. My father was a local mechanic and part time cars salesman; my mother […]
Defining Intelligence Intelligence is a word that is around us all of our lives. We hear all the time about how intelligent some are and how not others are. Parents always want their kids to be intelligent. I think though, measuring intelligence is hard. Everyone is so different and so we all have different intelligence […]