Throughout my life I have heard people say that when an event of great historical importance occurs, a person remembers every detail for the rest of their life. My parents remember vividly the day President Kennedy was killed. I never really believed that I would experience anything so important that it would change me forever. […]
Manhattan’s Upper West Side was invigorated with joy, illuminated by the spirit of those who had come to celebrate millennia of Jewish tradition. Songs echoed through the streets, bodies spun in fervent dance, and amongst friends and strangers, children and adults, the Orthodox and the Reform, a sense of proud belonging pulsated through me. Although […]
When asked why she named me Kristen, my mother will usually say that she “likes the E-N. It sounds like a strong person’s name, and a strong woman’s name.” I’m sure she didn’t pick my name or its uncommon spelling lightly. She miscarried eight months into her previous pregnancy, and my first moments of life […]
Art and creativity are an essential part of life. Whether I understand it or do not, art almost always makes me see something in it, I am sure that most peoplehave seen“Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh.I chose this painting because it is very popular and I have always thought it was worth looking at […]
I never would’ve thought that a pizza party could have had such a huge impact on my life. Back in 5th grade, our school announced a fundraiser where each classroom would get a jar. The goal was to fill it up with loose change and maybe a couple dollar bills here and there. At the […]
A college could compare me to a pearl. I started off as a small feeble foster child. I was just a speck of sand surrounded by other flecks of sand (foster children) and rocks (foster parents). But I was a special fleck of sand, for I would not let other specks of sand or the […]
Looks can be deceiving, but the scenic view of drizzling showers is beyond our picturing power. Despite the fact that, almost everyone likes rain, but if it rains in winter, people dissuade on going out to enjoy the dribbling showers of the rain. Children always come to like the rain, because it is rain that, […]
Being a senior in high school you would think is one of the best feelings in the world. Well it is! The past three years you have worked hard to get this far and now you are finally here. You have a whole new title…”SENIOR”! I am a track and field member and a very […]
I am too young. I am too immature. I am just not smart enough. I have heard all these phrases before. When my parents and I relocated to America as political refugees, my parents each found menial, physical labor jobs to support the family. They had no time to take care of a 4 year […]
I hate cows. I had a dream once. A largeplastic cow with huge, benevolent eyes – the cheesy squared-off figure of achild’s toy with a tail that didn’t move, turned silhouette by the setting sun -stood drinking from a wooden trough full of scarabs. They skittered and crawledall over each other, dripping from her loose, […]