How Does Dance, Specifically Bharathanatyam Affect Brain Development? (Govender, unknown) Contents Abstract Introduction Personal experience What is Bharathanatyam? Physical benefits of dance Dance Science Research What parts of the brain are affected through dance? How does visualising movements improve muscle memory? Therapeutic value of Indian Classical Dances How does dance therapy affect body health and […]
The Case of the Hijacked Plane[1] Abstract This dissertation investigates the moral conundrum of whether it can ever be adequate for the government to authorise the killing of a few to save a thousand. In order to examine this hypothesis, the article illustrates using a thought experiment using the fictional case of a hijacked civilian […]
CHAPTER – I INTRODUCTION Introduction Instruction is fundamentally the propelling power of the general public. An examination is the appraisal wanted to quantify the expertise, information, physical wellness or bent and furthermore characterization in such a large number of subjects. An exam might be on paper, on the PC, orally, in exam focuses, which are […]
Legal Aspects of Stalking and Cyberstalking in the Maltese Criminal Code: Our Experience So Far ABSTRACT As J.Reid Meloy states, “if there is a heart of darkness in the desire to bond with another, it is stalking.” Stalking is a relatively new crime albeit such conduct may be traced back to centuries. The first part […]
Chapter 1- Introduction The internet has so many features that are both blessings and curses. One of these two-faced features is the fact that the anything on the internet can be accessed from anywhere, making the world a global village. The feature is of importance to this dissertation as it has created a new tort […]
Table of Contents ABSTRACT Table of Contents I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background 1.2. Significance of the study 1.3. Research question 1.4. Methodology 1.5. Thesis structure II EU INTEGRATION AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS 2.1. EU integration – from concept to practice 2.2. Montenegro – Integration process and EU challenges 2.4. Montenegro’s EU integration key dates timeline 2.5. Foreign direct investments (FDI) 2.6. Short FDI theories overview 2.7. European […]
Project Title: The effectiveness of a cognitive based intervention on semantic memory and word retrieval operations in adult’s aged 60 years and over with Mild non-clinical Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Table of Contents Acknowledgments 2 Table of Contents 3 Abstract 5 Introduction 6 CHAPTER 1: Literature Review 7 History of Terminology 7 Classification Criteria 7 […]
Table of Contents Pages Title Page I Certificate II Declaration III Acknowledgement IV Abstract V Chapter I Introduction 2 Statement of the Problem 2 Object and Significance of Application 2 Naming Convention 3 Chapter II 2.1 Literature 5 Chapter III 3.1 Technology Used in Development 6 3.2 Software Used 8 Chapter IV […]
Abstract Global warming refers to the changing nature of climate; the rise in the global average temperature increases the inevitability of phenomena such as tsunamis, droughts and flood events. Flooding represents the most common natural disaster within the UK, where subsequent flood risk exposes the homeowner at a property level. Consequently, flood-resilient and resistant measures […]
Study of Implementation Aspects of Virtual Reality for Developing Microenterprise Level Customized Shopping Applications Abstract Virtual Reality is a computer technology, which can replicate real world environment or imaginary environment with the help of virtual reality devices. Though this technology exists long ago, the recent developments in this field are very high. Today’s generation of […]