Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Water Quality Analysis 1.2 Additional Treatment Required 2.0 Overview of Water Treatment Unit Processes 2.1 Intake and screening 2.2 Coagulation (rapid mix) 2.3 Flocculation 2.4 Clarification / Sedimentation 2.5 Filtration 2.6 Disinfection 3.0 Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Design 3.1 WTP lay-out and flow capacity 3.2 Intake Screen Design 3.3 […]
How do leadership skills enhance creativity within the Arts to motivate excellence? The arts are any field that requires the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination (Oxford Dictionary, 2017), alliance states that this field has the power as an engine of personal, social and cultural transformation (The Alliance, 2017). Throughout the arts […]
Abstract: Introduction This case study examines the application of naturopathic treatments, in a 34-year-old female, presenting with coeliac disease. As the main treatment for coeliac disease is immediate and permanent exclusion of gluten-containing foods, the aim of this report is to investigate whether potential exists for naturopathic therapies to aid in reducing risk of […]
Texas is currently the third largest citrus producing state behind California and Florida with the Texas fresh commercial fruit market valued at $80.7 million (NASS 2016). Most of the commercial citrus production in Texas is primarily concentrated in the four southernmost counties located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV). Texas economists estimate that the […]