NSG 3050 Trans to Baccalaureate Nursing Week 5 Discussion Discussion Overview: • This week, you will explore a nursing theory, model, or framework and how it relates to your values and practice. Discussion Prompt: • Select a nursing theory, model, or framework from this week’s course readings and activities you feel fits your values and […]
Patient’s Past Medical History and Significant Findings: Clinical Manifestations: Subjective: Objective: Collaboration: With whom will the nurse be working and why? Patient’s Medical Diagnosis . Fill in the concept map linked below with the information you have on your most recent patient. Then look at opportunities, real or imagined, for collaborative and/or interdisciplinary care. What […]
Ensuring Patient Safety in Healthcare: Identifying and Addressing Critical Challenges in Patient Safety Problem Patient safety stands as a cornerstone of modern healthcare, reflecting the commitment of medical professionals to provide optimal care and minimize harm. In recent years, the field has garnered increased attention due to the recognition that preventable medical errors can lead […]
IHP-430 Healthcare Quality. Overview As a student of healthcare quality management, it is vital that you are able to identify problems that arise in healthcare organizations and propose strategies for their improvement. A critical part of this process requires you to be familiar with quality and accreditation standards and navigate the communication channels of the […]
Teaching Plan. Select one class period from your course syllabus and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop and submit your teaching plan for the class period during week 6 and deliver a mini presentation explaining your teaching plan during week 7. Assignment Guidelines Your teaching plan should […]
Assessment 1 Instructions: Building the Case for Healthcare Improvement Content Present a five-minute PowerPoint presentation with voice-over to introduce your patient safety issue, the supporting research, and possible intervention. Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the process of searching for, appraising, and integrating the most relevant, best research evidence to answer a clinical question or address […]
Reconstructivism in education is a progressive philosophy that aims to revamp the educational system to address present societal issues by stressing on interdisciplinary learning, social justice, and practical education. It holds the view that education should not merely convey information but should also actively participate in reshaping the world. This approach empowers students to critically […]
All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so your final research proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and incorporate feedback from your instructor from the previous weeks. Your research proposal should be between 10 and 15 pages. Follow proper APA format and style and include a cover page, reference page, […]
Week 6: Reading Research Literature Worksheet Name: Date: Complete the required worksheet after reading the assigned article for the session. The NR439 Reading Research Literature Worksheet Rubric must be used to answer each of the graded criterion for the following: Purpose of the Study Type of Research & the Design Sample Data Collection Data Analysis […]
What Happens When Authorities Intervene in Child Abuse Cases? Many years ago, a woman that I had known all my life was raising a child whose biological mother had entrusted her to raise the child. They themselves were friends for many years. The birth mother however, believed that because of her drug addiction, it would […]