Positioned for PurposeAre you positioned for purpose? Are you prepared to be positioned for purpose? Joseph was positioned for purpose. He was thrown in an empty well by his own brothers; he was a slave and prisoner in Egypt; he became the governor in Egypt; he was position for purpose. Moses was positioned from the […]
Prenatal development is the process by which a baby develops inside the mother’s womb. The development takes about 38 weeks to complete. During this time, a single cell becomes a full-term baby.This time period is divided into different categories of development. The 3 primary stages of prenatal development are the germinal period, the embryonic period, […]
OutlineThesis: Children of Bangladesh, in public and private establishments, as well as in their families, undergo various forms of abuses such as sexual abuse, physical and verbal abuse along with negligence which is severely affecting their physical and mental growth.Sexual abuseChildren are at risk of abuse or harassment in their own home, from their relatives […]
Research MethodologyPaper 1Elisa and Guido applied the cross-section and time series data which have been examined through a panel data multiple regression to investigate their hypotheses. A descriptive and multivariate analysis have been shown to proof the level of profitability of the selected banks. Three different models were tested in the analysis to show the […]
package cheggjan20;public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee { int employeeID; String firstName; String lastName; double baseSalary; int grossSales; double commisionRate; //parameterised constructors BasePlusCommissionEmployee(int employeeID,String firstName,String lastName) { if(employeeID>0) {this.employeeID=employeeID;} if(firstName!=null) {this.firstName=firstName;} if(lastName!=null) {this.lastName=lastName;} } BasePlusCommissionEmployee(int employeeID,String firstName,String lastName,double baseSalary,int grossSales,double commisionRate) { if(employeeID>0) {this.employeeID=employeeID;} if(firstName!=null) {this.firstName=firstName;} if(lastName!=null) {this.lastName=lastName;} if(commisionRate>=0.1 && commisionRate0) { this.baseSalary = baseSalary; } else this. […]
Southern Women of the 1930sThe ’30s proved to be a decade devoid of equal rights support. After the 1920s fervor of change, the struggle for egalitarian ideals faltered. Some were satisfied with the effects of the 19th Amendment, some turned their attention to other matters of social justice, some felt women could be better aided […]
Participatory Learning and Action Participatory learning and action (PLA) can be well-defined as a method that can be used in figuring out needs, evaluating initiatives and programs. Participatory learning and action (PLA) is unit of an individual family of methods that allow local individuals to analyse and share their know-how of life and state of […]
Plant Locations: Logistics are the main costs incurred while production. Hence, the success of any cement company is largely dependent on how economic its logistics and operations are. This can be achieved through optimising plant locations in supply and demand-rich regions to minimise inbound and outbound logistics costs. Product Management: Production of value-added products like […]
People’s Republic Of China (PRC) also named China is a country in East Asia with a population of around 1.404 billion. They are also known as the world’s most populous country. The capital of China is in Beijing. Occupying nearly the entire East Asian landmass, it occupies approximately one-fourteenth of the land area of Earth. […]
Sean O’Rourke When I think of a concept that have fascinated that have fascinated both me and the general public all, it would be myth. If there is one concept that pushes a myth more than anything else, it is television. I read a book called Why We Love Sociopaths by Adam Kotsko and the […]