Abstract State-building is not solely a modern concept, but one that is studied much more heavily in the overlap of political science, economics, and sociology. When a fragile state works to consolidate state capacity, it is creating institutions from scratch or building upon the institutions left behind by colonial powers and failed governing structures. South […]
Abbreviations ABP – An Bord Pleanála DoEHLG – Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government ESDP – European Spatial Development Plan NSS – National Spatial Strategy RPG – Regional Planning Guidelines Contents Declaration Abbreviations Abstract Chapter One – Introduction to Thesis 1.1 Introduction to Research Area 1.2 Aim 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Research Strategy 1.5 Thesis […]
Abstract This project is a combined electrical & mechanical engineering project aimed at providing ample, reliable and environmentally friendly solar lighting to the pier of Lobitos, Peru. This will re-establish the pier and provide lighting during normal usage hours for the local fisherman but also local tourists who may wish to use the pier later […]
An Investigation into the Reliability-based Design of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the UK under Current and Future Climatic Conditions Abstract This dissertation investigates the relationship between key rainwater harvesting (RWH) variables and the resulting system reliability these provide, before exploring how this relation might be affected by climate change. As such, graphs specific to various […]
Abstract In our current world the use of computers is very common and they are popular also due to availability of The Internet. The internet which connects people all over the world using fibre optic cables and satellite links to transfer digital information – text, sound and video. There are millions of computer connected to […]
ABSTRACT This report aims to show the development of a validated turbocharged twin cylinder engine simulation model to act as a development tool for the University of Hertfordshire’s Formula Student team UH Racing. Simulation and development of the turbocharged system was carried out using Ricardo WAVE engine simulation software. Extensive research was conducted into the […]
Imaging Variables that Predict Recanalization in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients receiving Intravenous Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Method 3 3. Discussion 3 3.1 Current Understanding and Approaches 3 3.2 Brain and Vascular Imaging 4 3.3 Current Management 6 3.4 Outcome Scales 7 3.5 Mechanisms of Therapeutic Thrombolysis 8 3.6 Imaging Variables that Predict Recanalization 9 4. Conclusion 16 5. […]
Reporting of adverse drug reactions in India: a review of the current scenario, obstacles and possible solutions ABSTRACT A pharmaceutical drug undergoes various phases of the drug development process to assess its safety and efficacy, before entering the market. Clinical trials capture only short term data on the drug action and adverse effects since they […]
CHAPTER ONE Little is known about the psychobiological processes of adults, at age 23, who were born prematurely despite the fact that 1 out of every 9 infants is born too early (Atzil, Hendler & Feldman, 2011; CDC, 2015; Mannisto, Vaarasmaki, Sipola – Leppanen, Tikanmaki, Matinolli, Pesonen, Raikkonen, Jarvelin, Hovi, & Kajantie, 2015). Compared to […]
The Influence of Goal-Orientation and Self-Efficacy on International Students Cultural Adjustment in China. ABSTRACT In this study, the goal orientation theory was discussed to the study of cross-cultural adjustment for the international students who come to study in China. The fact that some expatriates adjust more quickly and easily than others is self-evident, but […]