ABSTRACT This main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the principles connected to the construction of a passive house and to determine the viability of the passive house concept in Ireland. Passive house is the result of the further development of the low energy house, it’s a performance based energy standard for building. Passive […]
How Social Media Promotions on Clothing Impact Customer’s Buying Behaviour in the UK Table of contents: CHAPTER I /Introduction…………………………………………………………..…………………..…….3 1.1 Background of Research……………………………………………………………………………………….……..3 1.2 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………………………..5 1.3 Rationale of Research………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 1.4/1.5Research Questions/Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………………….7 1.6 /1.7Aims and Objectives/Research Methodolgy……………………………………………………………….8 Chapter 2: Literature Review/Introduction……………………………………………………………………….9 2.2 Subject Matter of Research………………………………………………………………………………………..10 2.3 Brand awareness of Zara […]
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Roles of Team Working in Different Organisations Chapter 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Working in an Organisation Advantages of working in a team Disadvantages of working in a team Chapter 3 Different Types of Teams in the Work Place Working Team Special Purpose Team Multifunctional Team Virtual Team […]
Being Bilingual: The effects and impact of second language acquisition on the individual and society. Abstract The aim of this research is to ascertain the benefits of bilingualism alongside the impact that learning a second language can have on both the induvial and the society in which they are integrated within. The factors and variables […]
Table of Contents Table of Contents Designing the Scene User Interaction in Scene Mouse input Keyboard input Critical Analysis Difficulties Encountered Possible Improvements to be Made Appendices Scene Captures and Features Scene Graph of Code Designing the Scene Since it was instructed that the starting point of the project should be the provided template, it […]
Introduction This study is designed to examine the use and impact of social media as a tool in e-learning at Bisha University. As a lecturer at Bisha University, I selected this topic due to the current importance of social media in different aspects of students’ lives, especially in the educational field. It also aims to […]
Siblings’ Bidirectional Influence on Mexican-origin Adolescents’ Educational Expectations and Postsecondary Enrollment Educational attainment among Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, as a result of growth in both K-12 education and postsecondary education. The high school dropout rate for Latinos has reached a record low, dropping from 32% in 2000 to 12% in 2014 […]
Abstract Transportation using autonomous vehicles has emerged as a global phenomenon with breakthroughs in personal automobiles and public transport. The potential of implementing safe and reliable on-campus transport using self-driving vehicles is high since the density of traffic on the roads in the campus is low. This project was therefore designed to transform a golf […]
Contents Page Abstract 4 Introduction 5-7 Methodology 8-9 Results 10 Barriers to referrals 11-14 Support for patients attending genetic testing And family members who may be affected 15-17 Health promotion and education 18-19 Conclusion 20 Reference List 21-31 Appendix 1 32 Appendix 2 33-36 Appendix 3 37-38 Appendix 4 39-40 Appendix 5 41 Abstract […]
How is the relative accuracy of intuition and rational deliberation shaped by characteristics of the decision-making environment? Table of Contents Summary 1. Introduction 2. Intuition and rational deliberation 3. The Structure of the Environment 4. Environmental complexity 5. Social environments 5.1. Game theory 5.2. Accountability and social norms 6. Expertise of the decision-maker 7. Conclusion 8. References Summary Humans have […]