THE IMPACT OF WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC CULTURE On THE GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY IN MALAWI TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ………………………………………… 1 Background for the Study…………………………………. 4 Significance of the Study…………………………………. 5 The Scope of Witchcraft and Magic Culture in Malawi ………………….. 5 Possible Reasons for the Failure of the Current Method of Witnessing to Malawians …. 11 Reasons many people believe and practice […]
Exploring the Methods of Differentiation to Support English Language Learners by Elementary Teachers in the Mainstream Classroom Abstract The aim of this qualitative research study was to investigate strategies, outcomes, challenges, and resources of mainstreaming English language learners in elementary classrooms. The main research question that guided this study was: How is a small sample […]
Studies on the Development of Habrobracon hebetor on Diapausing and Non-diapausing Larvae of Plodia interpunctella Abstract Laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the development of Habrobracon hebetor(Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on diapausing and non-diapausing larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) at 28 °C, 16: 8 (L: D) photoperiod and 70% RH. The first experiment involved […]
Abstract The paper seeks to view the impact of tax on the Serbian capital structure. Taxation has various implications to the corporate world, these implications in-turn affect businesses in many ways. These effects may negatively or positively influence the laid finance structures of corporate institutions. The study, therefore, is focused on evaluating these effects based […]
Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Irish Lamb Meat Production 3 3 Shelf Life characteristics of Lamb meat 3 3.1 Microbial characteristics of Lamb Meat 3 3.2 Biochemical characteristics of Lamb Meat 4 3.2.1 Changes in Lamb pH 4 3.2.2 Changes in Lamb Colour 5 3.2.3 Lipid Oxidation in Lamb Meat 6 3.3 Sensory characteristics of […]
Are all sharks equally vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances and therefore equally vulnerable to extinction? Abstract Sharks consist of many of the oldest and most diverse species within our oceans, arising 420 million years ago. They consist of the slowest maturing and slowest reproducing species, displaying long gestation periods and slow growth. Because of these extreme […]
The Role Women Play in the Irish Construction Industry. Abstract The Irish construction industry is growing faster than any other main sector. This considerable growth of the industry necessitates a raise in the rate of employment of a skilled workforce. Nonetheless, the skill shortage is a key threat that challenges the long-term development of the […]
Abstract This study investigated teacher’s attitudes and experiences of teaching pupils with physical and intellectual disabilities. The factors that seem to impact teacher’s attitudes and experiences were their own attitude ,teacher training and the resources and lastly self efficacy and teachers experience. The findings have shown that teacher training has a big influence on teachers […]
Abstract Animal testing used in cosmetic has become a controversial topic throughout many years whereby, consumers are polarised in their attitude towards this issue. Many are in favour whilst, others are against this animal testing and thus have been found to influence their purchase intention to buy cruelty-free cosmetic and not buy those products that […]
ABSTRACT Cryptography is the science of securing data using mathematical techniques, and these are computationally intensive. Computer information Security is a challenging issue of data communications today that touches many areas including secure communication channels, top-notch data encryption techniques and trusted a third party to maintain the database. The general methods of encryption can only […]