In the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ written by William Shakespeare, the character Shylock is a Jewish money lender who lives in a ghetto with his daughter Jessica. He strongly believes in his religion and being a money lender makes him unpopular among the Christian community. He was seen more as a villain to the […]
Services Provider Video Camera Normal/HD: We bring forth our vast experience and expertise in this domain, involved in providing best quality photography services with Video Camera Normal/HD.Weddings defies imagination, as people try out everything different to enhance the event and make it memorable. Your wedding is a day in your life where you can live […]
Rational has a number of specialized meanings depending on which subject matter. Humans are generally considered to be being of rationality. However, when it comes to financial success, humans who are driven by greed have a tendency to act irrationally. This essay will discuss the statement with reference of Weber’s rationalisation theory and Durkheim’s division […]
INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS ELECTRIC MOTOR? An electric motor is a device using electrical energy to produce mechanical energy, nearly always by the interaction of magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors. The reverse process, that of using mechanical energy to produce electrical energy, is accomplished by a generator or dynamo. Traction motors used on vehicles often perform […]
Ancient Greek and Roman civilization have made many contributions to western civilization. Especially when it comes to politics, trade, and sports. From wrestling to javelin, ancient sports set the pace for some of the sports we have in our day and age, especially the Olympic Games. In Ancient Greek and Romans sports, athletes contested very […]
My Personal Philosophy of Education Through out history, the human race has had a genuine interest in education and some have suggested that teaching is one of the oldest professions known to man. Children are born “void†of much knowledge, in that they are illiterate and ignorant of many things that are considered the norms […]
Task 1 a) A definition of economics that includes the problems of scarcity and choice. Scarcity is a concept of the tension between the limited resources and the unlimited wants and needs of individuals or countries. For an individual, limited resources are time, money and skills; and for a country, they are natural resources, capital, […]
Planning a safe environment is a challenging process for early year’s practitioners. Child safety and protection is a key element in their development in early year setting. Planning of early year play setting every day is challenging and difficult process. Play environment should be a minimal risk and no danger for children. Arranging safe and […]
Defining Marketing Marketing as defined by Philip’s Kotler is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others (Principles of Marketing, pg. 10). According to Kotler marketing is all about understating the needs, wants and demands of the customers. […]
Through Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte expresses numerous issues of the Victorian Era. Class and gender inequality, race prejudices, colonialism, and religious beliefs are all but few of the problems addressed. Throughout the novel, Jane struggles with her dilemmas, namely the choice between moral duty and earthly pleasures, and the obligation to her spirit and attention […]