AMST 300 POP CULTURE AND ME ESSAY PART 1 Due Friday, June 9 by 11:59pm to Canvas Part 1 of the “Pop Culture and Me” essay will ask you to begin thinking about your own relationship to popular culture. Use first person voice to articulate the significance of one form of pop cultural production that […]
Conflict Resolution, Conflict Transformation, And Conflict Management. Bring to mind a specific conflict that interests you. It should be one in which you have been involved, witnessed, or heard about which has not been successfully addressed. How you would characterize conflict and your primary beliefs and attitudes about it? _______________ Conflict resolution, conflict transformation, and […]
Module 3: Lecture: Social Sciences & Social Problems ________________________________________ Social Sciences as a Basis for the Study of Social Problems Social science is distinct from social problem solving, but each can contribute to the other. Like the physical or biological sciences, the social sciences are intellectual subjects directed primarily toward understanding rather than action. There […]
Vital Organs / Unconscious State After studying the course materials located on Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following: 1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs. 2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions. 3. Is it possible to live without a […]
Week 5 Discussion Forum Prompt 1 Complete your week 5 required discussion prompts. You must complete: Discussion Prompt 1: • You have now looked at True–False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer (Fill-in-the-Blank), and Essay question formats. Describe when each format will be useful to you to assess your learners and the pitfalls of each type. Make […]
Directions: Pain tolerance and perception is different in every individual. You will care for patients that have chronic pain issues and develop a high tolerance for pain medications. The patient rates his pain as a 8-9/10 but does not look like they are in pain!! How can you accurately assess these type of patients and […]
APPLYING MEASUREMENT TOOLS One example of a measurement tool is the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) comprehensive care measures. Review the components of HEDIS comprehensive diabetes care; then consider the following scenario. You are a staff nurse working in a private primary care practice. It is a small practice with 2 MDs (internists), […]
What are the social and ethical considerations involved in the discussion of racism in healthcare? How have you observed or experienced racism in healthcare? Racism in Healthcare: Unveiling Social Inequities and Ethical Imperatives Racism in healthcare is a pervasive issue that raises significant social and ethical considerations. It encompasses a range of disparities and biases […]
What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals? Challenges in a doctoral program can vary depending on the field and specific […]
Week Two Discussion 2 Analytic epidemiology is all about looking at risk factors for specific diseases. We have measures such as relative risk, odds ratio, population attributable risk etc. Select a disease that interests you and evaluate 3 to 4 primary peer-reviewed articles or meta-analyses on the disease. Report back on what the measures of […]