Teenage pregnancy is a critical public health issue in both the developing and developed world. It has been thought to have an intrinsic effect on the infant and maternal morbidity and mortality statistics worldwide. In its publication, the State of the World’s Children report, UNICEF stated that worldwide over 500,00 women of all age groups […]
M.S soap (ptv)deals in the manufacturing of quality beauty soap. It introduces innovation in the beauty soap in Bangladesh market. The innovation is introduced after identifying the consumer needs and problems. The name of this innovative soap is “MAGNUM”. In order to identify the need of the consumer market a market survey was conducted for […]
A kid’s childhood should be filled with happy moments, laughter and lovely toys, not memories that make one shudder even at the thought of it. Being a child should not be a painful journey. After all, children are equal holders of human rights and they should not be denied a safe environment to grow and […]
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction: Development of the electricity generation grew rapidly from age to age. Electricity generation is a process that generate electric energy from other form of energy, most of the major company that give an electric supply in Malaysia using Non-Renewable source to generate the electricity such as diesel and coal. Diesel […]
The study begins through identifying the characteristics of crisis communication. In doing so a comparison was carried out with the marketing communication characteristics. During the next phase a discussion was carried out to identify the ways in which crisis communication need to be managed and through examples (Child labour and sweat shop scandal in Cambodia […]
Introduction Deinstitutionalization of mental hospitals came into play in 1970 in the United States; the program aimed at treating mentally retarded patients within the community itself rather than maintaining and treating them at mental hospitals. During these days, state mental hospitals were regarded as institutions that deprived the mentally ill patients their freedom to associate […]
Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder characterised by a disintegration of thought processes and emotional responsiveness. Schizophrenic individuals are presented with a wide range of symptoms. These are often classified in terms of positive and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms may include presentation of hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech or thinking, disorganised behaviour, catatonic behaviours, derealisation, and […]
Leadership can be defined as a persons ability to let others willing to follow leadership. Every organization needs leaders at all levels. Leaders can be found and nurtured if you look at the following character traits. Visionary leader has a clear, vivid picture of where to go, and firmly grasp that looks like what is […]
As the marriage rates for 2008 in the United Kingdom were the lowest since records begin, this study sought to understand the changing importance of marriage by implementing qualitative methods consisting of semi-structured interviews and grounded theory, to attain more robust and comprehensive perspectives on this issue. Three major categories emerged from the data – […]
Blood is a fluid medium that is found within the cardiovascular system-which comprises of the heart and blood vessels (Jackson and Jackson 2008). It consists of 55% blood plasma and 45% cellular material (Jackson and Jackson 2008). Blood plasma consists of dissolved materials such as antibodies, hormones, waste products and nutrients, whereas the cellular material […]