The end of World War II, the detonation of the atomic bomb, and the start of the Cold War, all took place during 1945. However, what also took place that year was the publishing of George Orwell’s, Animal Farm. Through the use of animals, the novel mocks certain human traits and characteristics. It depicts man’s […]
Map of the key strategic group in the supermarket chain industry and analysis of the competitors in a main Strategic Group: According to Jeffery S. Harrison and Caron H. St. John (2004), in some industries, competitors’ groups exploit the similar resources and implement similar strategies. The clusters of similar competitors are called strategic groups. One […]
Since the last couple of decades, the subjects of Islam, the Muslim community and especially Muslim women seem to have dominated the Western media. It started with the excessive coverage of September 11, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the banning of the veil in Europe, to the terrorist attacks and suicide bombers in the […]
The Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP) was the first accounting standard board that issued the Accounting Research Bulletins (ARBs) which started what the Committee on Accounting Procedure believed generally accepted accounting principle should be. Nonetheless, the Accounting Research Bulletins only made recommendations and preparers of accounting information along with auditors did not have to hold […]
This report is a study of computer ethics and its relevance to today’s society .We live in the age of super computers where everything comes to us in our finger tips. Children get exposure to Internet much before they start their formal education. Computers are electronics devices invented by humans for the convenience and welfare […]
Two of Germany’s most famous writers, Goethe and Schiller, identified the central aspect of most of Germany’s history with their poetic lament, “Germany? But where is it? I cannot find that country.” Until 1871, there was no “Germany.” Instead, Europe’s German-speaking territories were divided into several hundred kingdoms, principalities, duchies, bishoprics, fiefdoms and independent cities […]
“One of the greatest investments which we can make is to invest in health; for there is no other investment like it….Health is life insurance, success and happiness” -Mahatma Gandhi The wise woman tradition seeks to heal the whole individual. The primary techniques involve nourishing the woman through storytelling, simple ceremony and dietary herbs. The […]
Family is considering as one of the important units in the social systems which formed a society. As a sub-system of society, the roles and functions of family are similar with other systems in society such as religion, economic, political, and social and education. All these systems are applied to each societies or countries in […]
The study investigates American customers’ perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S., using the importance – performance analysis approach. This study also examines which attributes of Chinese restaurants influence American customers, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. The IPA shows that environmental cleanliness and attentive service are two important areas where Chinese restaurateurs can make improvements. In […]
Introduction This chapter is discusses about the theories that related to the definition of university facility and service, its concepts, and also the university in campus transportation structure. In addition, this chapter also included the role of students as primary participants in university. In addition, this chapter also discuss about the issue on having own […]