Introduction Online banking is the practice of performing bank transactions over the internet. Due to the advanced nature of technology, most people use the internet to fulfil most of their personal needs, for instance; e-mails, internet calls, and video conferencing. Information technology is now being used to develop more supple and easy to use banking […]
This is a study to find out the differences between middle adults and aging adults in their self esteem and what the relationship between self-esteem and life-satisfaction .There are 50 male (50%) and 50 female (50%) subjects, age ranged from 40 to 77 with a mean of 57.6, 50% of participants is in middle age […]
Decisions making is a large part of doing business. When it is only one person involved or affected by the decision, making that decision is comparatively easy. But when family or co-workers need to be taken into consideration, a group decision is the best solution. The decision amid individual and group decision making methods depends […]
Introduction 1. The Durand Line is a 2,450 km (1,519 mile) border between Afghanistan and Pakistan ranging from the spur of the Sarikol range in the north, to the Iranian border to the south-west [1]. It is named after Sir Mortimer Durand, who in 1893, as a representative of the British-Indian government, had negotiated and […]
Creative is a topic of wind scope that is important at both the individual and societal levels for a wide range of task domains. At the individual level creative is relevant, for example, when one is solving problems on the job and daily life. At a societal level, creativity can lead to new scientific findings, […]
An appropriate system is essential for Aalsmeer to support its e-business. Once the system is installed, Aalsmeer has to ensure the new system is stability, safety and suitable for all their business partners and customers. Additionally, the system security is important too. All the business processing, buyers and sellers’ information, financial information etc. should be […]
The UAE is one of the strongest and prosperous economies of the world. It has been growing continuously over the past few years. The country has been growing at the average rate of 6% per year in the past decade. In the previous years the country’s economy was majorly dependant on the revenue generated by […]
Introduction I will organize a FIFA World Cup Party in stadium “Veltinsarena” in Gelsenkirchen, Germany on 11th July 2010, the day FIFA world cup ends in south Africa. The theme of the party will be Peace and Harmony. This theme is selected keeping in mind the violence which is taking place all over the world […]
Throughout history, there have been a great number of instances where certain aspects of the time period had an effect on art forms of the time. A good example of this is how the decade the 1960’s affected the British Invasion rock and roll groups. There were a great number of historical events that occurred […]
Global Is Warming Caused by Human Activities The major issue that is discussed today is global warming, which is considered a threat to the earth in coming future. Global warming is the raise in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface, atmosphere and oceans. There are always two sides to every story and when it […]