Food, culture, spirituality Every religion gives an interpretation of the symbolic aspect of food, and the status of food, and readings dictated by the Divine indicate to the human being his behaviour towards the earthly food. Food is an integral part of our history, and of our fate. Theology, religious discourse that interprets what the […]
Mandatory physical education for students in elementary through high school is designed with the best intentions like promoting a healthier lifestyle, and aiding students in uncovering their potential talent. But as good as these intentions may seem they all fall short of its goals due to restricting student’s freedom of choice, a mounting budget deficit, […]
China Traditional Elderly Care In China, elder care has been confined to the family sphere over thousands of years (Liu et al., 2014). Under the tradition Confucian concept of Filial Piety or xiao, it encompasses a broad range of behaviours for children to fulfil the duty of care to their aged parents, including ‘respect, obedience, […]
Prevention & Control of Occupational Lung Diseases What is Occupational Lung Disease? Lung disorder related to matter inhaled from the occupational environment. Occupational lung diseases are a broad group of diagnoses caused by the inhalation of dusts, chemicals, or proteins. Even persons who do not work in the industry can develop occupational disease through indirect […]
Philosophy of Love and Sex This paper is concerned with discussing the concept of human sexuality as it pertains to polyamory. In their article Polyamory-what it is and what it isn’t, authors McCullough and Hall discuss the liberating experience that comes with the lifestyle of polyamory as well as dispelling negative uninformed conclusions that are […]
This assignment looks at the Biomedical Model of Health, what it means, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and criticisms from other perspectives on health. Definition of Biomedical Model of Health In order to outline and assess the ‘biomedical model’ of health, we must first comprehend what it is, along with an understanding of the […]
Supervision theories and practices began emerging as soon as counsellors started to train other counsellors (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009). Several different theoretical models have developed to clarify and support counselling supervision. The focus of early models of supervision had generally been based on counselling theories (such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Adlerian or client-centred), but these […]
Did Tudor Queenship differ fundamentally from Tudor Kingship? In contemporary Britain many tend to see gender as a social or “cultural construction detached from sexed bodies”[1], but this concept falls far from true in Tudor society. With regards to the thrown – and more broadly society as a whole – gender encompassed the physical and […]
Explain the factors to consider when planning a safe, but challenging environment for children. The environment plays a major part in children’s safety, learning and development. Not only the material objects within an environment, but the emotional and social environment accounts also. “The health and safety of the environment is essential to ensure the safety […]
Background The phrase “Digital Bangladesh”, although is composed of the catching word “Digital”, stands for a concept which benefits the country as a whole by using Information and Communication Technology for management, administration and governance in order to ensure transparency, accountability and answerability at all levels of society and state. Digital Bangladesh will provide us […]