Politic like any other concept in the social science can be defined in various ways and also politics can be said to be universal meaning politics is very were. According to Aristotle “man is a political animal”. To him every human being belonged to a state and no man could be self-fulfilment outside the state.” […]
One of the pioneer works in exploring medical decision making by Lusted and colleagues suggested that clinical reasoning was based on logic, probability, and value theory [1]. In their work Ledley and Lusted outlined a physician explanation of medical diagnosis process as follows: First, obtain the case facts from the patient’s history, physical examination, and […]
The aim of this report is to discuss how employment has been affected due to the shift of a manufacturing based sector to a service based sector. This report will demonstrate the key facts and by using the example of International Business Machine (IBM) it will illustrate different measures which an industry has had to […]
Mr Howard Schultz established Starbucks in 1971 and opened operations in Seattle’s Pike Place. The first operations, they provided coffee to some restaurants and surrounding Bars. After that, they expanded their business into retail marker with many products , many stores in the world. Today , with Starbuck’ famous brand , they welcome millions of […]
Ghassan Kanafani’s long story Men in the Sun (1962) is now regarded as a key fictional text in modern Middle Eastern writing. It’s also curiously contemporary, both in its setting – Iraq – and in its topic of economic migrants and people smugglers. Men in the Sun tells the story of three Palestinian refugees who […]
Human interaction is on pace of increasing day by day with the help of new technology. We first were comfortable interacting at local, then at national and now expanding to international level. It’s not only interaction but we are expanding our business at international level. Thus the word used “Globalization”. Globalization is a major driving […]
Women constitute almost half of the population in the world. But the prevailing masculine ideology made them suffer a lot as they were denied equal opportunities in different parts of the world. The rise of feminist ideas have, however, led to the tremendous improvement of women’s condition through out the world in recent times. India […]
The significance of using expatriate by multinationals (MNCs) for overseas assignment is now well known due to their major role as agent of direct control and socialization, network builders, boundary spanners, language nodes and transfer of competence and knowledge (Dowling, Festing and Engle, 2008). According to an international assignment survey in 2002 by PricewaterhouseCoopers; there […]
This project is about investigating the biodiversity and the importance of preserving biodiversity. Each group have chosen an Arabian species to evaluate it and to investigate its status. Every member of the group has to write one part of the report. Investigating biodiversity, the status of the species and how can we protect this species […]
The seed of Indian Writing in English was sown during the period of the British rule in India. Now the seed has blossomed into an ever green tree, fragrant flowers and ripe fruits. The fruits are being tasted not only by the native people, but they are also being ‘chewed and digested’ by the foreigners. […]