Should restorative justice be defined as a process or a set of outcomes? Restorative Justice rather than relying on judges to sentence offenders, places great emphasis on the importance of reparation and gives a role to the victim of the crime and the wider community. (Newburn, T 2013:768) When it comes to the debate of […]
Micronucleus (“MN”) is defined as microscopically visible, round or oval cytoplasmic chromatin mass next to the nucleus. Micronuclei (“MNi”) originate from aberrant mitoses and consist of eccentric chromosomes, chromatid fragments or whole chromosomes that have failed to be incorporated into the daughter nuclei during mitosis. The MN assay has been widely accepted as an in […]
1.1 Introduction Numeracy and music have been linked together as far back to medieval times. This link goes back as far the Quadrivium possibly even further. The quadrivium were a set of subjects or topics (which were grounded on the trivium of grammar, dialect and rhetoric) that were covered daily. The quadrivium involved four subject […]
Biological warfare (BW), also known as germ warfare, is the use of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, other disease-causing biological agents, or the toxins produced by them as biological weapons (or bioweapons). There is a clear overlap between biological warfare and chemical warfare, as the use of toxins produced by living organisms is considered under […]
“Spam is one of the most significant challenges facing the Internet today. Its rapid growth threatens the convenience and efficiency of electronic messages and undermines user confidence online more generally. Thus the very purpose of the Internet is under threat.” “In light of the above statement critically evaluate the terms of the United Kingdom’s Privacy […]
Statement of the Problem The economic openness is the reality of today’s developed world. The asymmetrical distribution of resources and factor of production has required the economist and social scientists for mutual interaction and trade cooperation for the development of the global economy. The trade and economic cooperation between the two countries is more important […]
What is Time Banking? Time Banking is a way to give and receive support to build strong communities and networks to the public. One last time helps earns about one hour for the Bank (also called time credits, the balance of the benefit, or $ time). Time banking is based on the magic of “Pay […]
Basic Iron and steel in UK – Analysis Headlines UK’s basic iron and steel market contracted by 6.8% to £10.6 billion in 2013 as prices of steel declined due to the overcapacity in steel production Industry of structural metal products increased its purchase of steel due to the growing private housing sector in UK in […]
Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to determine the frequency of meiotic divisions analyzed from hybrid crossings collected from different strains of the fungus Sordaria fimicola. The experiment was conducted to demonstrate hybrid crossings with MI and MII patterns of ascospores within the asci. Over the course of seven days, the sample of Sordaria […]
Emergency Response Systems in the United Kingdom By Khalil Jetha Emergency response protocol in the United Kingdom is unique, dependent on both the nature of the incident and the branch responding. The British police, whose existence spans hundreds of years, has streamlined emergency response using methods that incorporate the general public as well as a […]