Aviation dentistry – New Horizon, New Challenge Abstract: After the innovations in aviation at the beginning of the 20th century, many in -flight pathologic and physiologic conditions were reported. Changing atmospheric pressure, especially if it is rapid, can cause discomfort and damage to the oral cavities and maxillofacial areas unless the pressure within these cavities […]
Introduction Over the past few years human cloning has become a great concern, this is mainly because of ethics. There are many great reason that have been presented about why to clone or why not to clone. There have been great results produced by animal cloning. This has made some people suggest that human clones […]
In March of 1918 Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington and his assistant E. Cottingham, went to the island of Principe off the West Coast of Africa—with a second party stationed in Sobral, Brazil—to prepare for an experiment that would observe a total eclipse of the sun, and provide conclusive proof of Einstein’s theory of relativity.[1] On […]
Introduction Goats play an important role in sustainable agriculture, employment generation and enhance the traditional economy of Bangladesh. Goats husbandry is one of the most important sources of incomes for rural families, marginal farmers, children, landless laborers and distress women who cannot afford to rear cattle, hence, goat is called “The cow of poor people” […]
Amylolytic enzymes are widely distributed in plant tissues, e.g. in storage tissues such as seeds and tubers and in vegetative organs such as leaves. There exist two types of amylases in some species of plants, (E.C.; 1-4-α-D-glucan glucohydrolase) and (E.C.; 1-4-β-D-glucan maltohydrolase) amylases [Thoma, J.A., J.E. Sprandlin and S. Dygert, 1971]. Beta-amylase (-1, 4-glucan maltohyrolase, […]
The term ‘political participation’ has a very broad meaning. It is not only related to ‘Right to Vote” but simultaneously relates to participation in: decision making process, political activism, political consciousness. Women in socialist democratic countries have higher proportion of representation in their federal parliament than women in Canada because In Canada there is less […]
Autumn Blaze Maple Tree The autumn blaze maple tree is a unique combination of good traits from the red maple and silver maple. The qualities mixed by the autumn blaze maple tree are brilliant orange-red color in the fall, dense and healthy branching, and enhanced growth that protects from insects and disease. They are known […]
Abstract Pantoprazole is an proton pump inhibitor, which inhibits the gastric acid secretion by blocking the proton pump or the H+K+ATPase in the gastric parietal cells of stomach. Pantoprazole was synthesized in the year 1987 and was launched in the year 1994 after development and clinical trials. Development of the lead compound timoprazole and the […]
Harmonisation of Halal standard is an urge in the current market and there are several main aspects that we need to focus on for harmonisation. In the following session, we will discuss about aspects in Halal standard that should be harmonise between ASEAN countries. Malaysia Halal certification is based on the Malaysian standard of MS […]
Military Intelligence Organizations Military Intelligence is a division of military the purpose of which is to exploit the number of information collected and analysis techniques in order to provide guidance and directions to commanders in support of the crucial decisions made by them. They do it by performing an analysis and assessment of the available […]