miRNA profiling: What does not work for blood and urine identification Sarah S. Silva a, b, Teixeira, A.L b, MJ Carneiro de Sousa a,c and Medeiros, R.a, b a – ICBAS, Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute, University of Porto, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal b – Molecular Oncology group, Portuguese Institute of Oncology, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal c […]
A festival is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community and the Festival. Among many religions, a feast is a set of celebrations in honour of God or gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. However, the term “feast” […]
Green, J. R. (2000). 1. In Straight Lick : The Cinema of Oscar Micheaux (pp. 1-30). Bloomington, US: Indiana University Press. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com.libproxy.nau.edu Film director and author Oscar Micheaux’s works are compared and contrasted to contemporary filmmaker D.W. Griffith’s film, Birth of a Nation. Micheaux’s film, Within Our Gates, like Griffith’s film, idealizes a […]
The Plagues of Egypt are a well-known to many, to send a message to the Pharaoh, the eighth of which saw Moses have God send was a plague of locusts to destroy crops. Luckily those were mere allegorical stories. What is true is that crop yields for ancient societies have always been plagued pests destroying […]
Provide a critical evaluation of current methods of working and service user provisions in the area of parents with a mental health problem, drawing upon developing knowledge and research. Introduction In this thesis we discuss the role of parenting, the responsibilities that are involved and the issues of mental health problems in parents. We draw […]
This paper analyses the past and future of the death penalty in Britain, examining the rationale for abolition in 1965 together with the potential and merits of re-introduction in the future. The death penalty was abolished in 1965 in Britain following a 1953 Royal Commission[1] and pressure by abolitionist groups. While the 1953 Report went […]
In a globalising world, is there any value in the concept of a “National Innovation System”? INTRODUCTION The progressive advancements in the different scientific fields and their applications in technology have become one of the most important corner stones for any nation’s wealth and economic growth. For technology and scientific research to be successful in […]
WHAT IS MEANT BY MARKET FAILURE AND HOW CAN GOVERNMENT ATTEMPT TO CORRECT IT? INTRODUCTION Amid the history governments have had different effects over the economy. For instance rulers had boundless force upon the economy amid the medieval times, however on the eighteenth century a popular Scotsman A. Smith issued his book. An Investigation into […]
What is cloning? Cloning is a process carried out in a laboratory by which a genetically identical organism can be made through non-sexual means. How it started? In February 1997, when embryologist Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at Roslin Institute in Scotland were able to clone a lamb, named Dolly. Who are cloned? Both plants […]
LITERATURE REVIEW The following Literature review starts with past studies and researches based on the crisis in general. Different types of crisis are referred and what kind of effects do they cause to businesses and people. Additionally are past studies on management strategies in period of recession and what does a business has to follow, […]