Surveillance technology: The ethical and moral dilemma Introduction The global increase in terrorist atrocities, such as 9/11 in the United States and 7/7 in the United Kingdom, have undoubtedly led to the increase necessity for surveillance technology in order to protect society and it’s citizens. The question is how far have these developments reduced the “claim […]
Cheating and plagiarism have always been a problem in the society. Especially academics dishonestly have risen in favor of fashion. Universities continue develop honor code to stop cheating from happening, also cheaters come up with new technical to cheat. Nowadays, cell phones have supported students to cheat and websites serve unethical solutions to assignments. What […]
Abstract: Today, conducting examinations for schools or colleges is a serious concern of the government agencies. The mal-practices or the delay in declaration of results are affecting the careers of the students and in turn break the image of delivering bodies and hence government. Government of Maharashtra had constituted one committee on examination reforms to […]
UAE and its Economy The UAE’s rich history is established in exchange and attached to Islam, which went to the locale in AD 630. It has an open economy with a high for every capita salary and a considerable yearly exchange excess. There are numerous effective endeavors made for financial expansion that have diminished the […]
Security Management Introduction Although historically security has experienced a relatively low priority in the corporation’s management structure, post the incidents of 9/11 in the US and 7/7 in the UK this situation has changed dramatically. Therefore, the position and skills of security managers is being looked at in a new light. Within this study, the […]
Lev Vygotsky views collaboration with peers as an effective way of development. He suggests that more cooperative learning activities should be used in the classroom in which less capable students develop with assistance and support from more knowledgeable peers, within their zone of proximal development. In other words, according to Vygotsky, the task becomes “internalised […]
Does college matter? What does college mean? Is college important to teenagers? Should college be essential for people to find a good job? Is everyone able to go to college? When we talk about college, these questions always come up. As a society, people have their own free ideas to plan their lives. A number […]
Nudity in art as well as the human form combined can be traced through out all the eras in art starting from pre-historic times and still being seen in today’s art, recently in photography as well. The nude figure in art has generally reflected, with few exceptions, social standards of aesthetics as well as morality […]
In America, one of the greatest civil rights we have is that of religious freedom. This, along with several others are granted to all citizens no matter where in the country they live, what country they are originally from or what religion they chose to practice. In light of the attacks on America, in September […]
Imran Osman The effect of the average training hours per week on the cardiovascular fitness of sport participants: Studies such as that by Shannan E. Gormley et al. (2008) and Tabata et al. (1996) clearly show that exercise and regular training have a positive effect on the heart (circulatory system) and the respiratory system and […]