Assignment Systems-based Practice in Nursing (15 points) Systems-based practice in nursing involves patient care from a wider perspective and requires practitioners to “demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources in the system to provide optimal health […]
Module 5. THE ROLE OF THE NURSE INFORMATICIST IN SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be […]
Culturally-Inclusive Self-Improvement Workshop for Homeless Shelter Staff Welcome, everyone. Today, we embark on a journey of self-improvement with a culturally-inclusive lens. As we recognize the diverse backgrounds and experiences within our team, we understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive space for everyone. This workshop aims to uplift and empower you as individuals, […]
System-Based Practice in Nursing: Integrating Expertise and Excellence In the realm of healthcare, nursing plays a pivotal role in delivering patient-centered care and ensuring optimal patient outcomes. The dynamic nature of healthcare systems demands that nurses possess a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between clinical expertise, ethical considerations, and evidence-based practices. As such, the […]
Unit 1 ( HSS491 ) Health care in the United States is changing. A paradigm shift is occurring as more and more health care organizations are reorganizing existing business models from inpatient to outpatient services. That being said, you have been tasked to develop a proposal for the development of a health care facility that […]
Week 6, Discussion 1 — Analyzing a Literature Review from a Scholarly Journal Article Your response to this discussion is due by this week Friday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on their response. Your response to your fellow student […]
Heterosexism Discussion. Choose a topic below and discuss how sexuality played a role in the conflict. Sacred Band of Thebes/ Spartan military life – the role of the Greek military cultures and sexuality 400-280 BCE The Roman mos maiorum and laws on sexuality (Anti-homosexuality in ancient Rome) – 100 BCE – 400 CE The Church […]
Contracting in Ocean Transportation with Empty Container Repositioning under Asymmetric Information In the realm of maritime logistics and international trade, the efficient utilization of container vessels and the management of empty container repositioning are pivotal factors in optimizing operations and minimizing costs. The complexity of this multifaceted challenge is heightened by the presence of asymmetric […]
BIO 1023 – Nutrition 50 points Percent Composition of Diet: Homework Assignment Using the data from the last assignment (five day Food Diary), do the following calculations and answer the questions. Record your answers within this Word document in BLUE font. You must show all of your work for questions 1-14 to get full credit. […]
Empty container exchange among liner carriers Empty container exchange, also known as container repositioning or container imbalances, is a critical aspect of the global maritime shipping industry. It refers to the process of relocating empty shipping containers from areas with surplus containers to regions where there is a demand for empty containers. This practice ensures […]