Careers and Roles in Corrections Journal Entry. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please complete the assigned readings in your textbook (PDF chapters attached below), watch the CRJ303 – A Career in CorrectionsLinks to an external site. video interview of a corrections officer, and review all required resources for this week. You may also […]
Scenario – Your hospital has recently revised its CQI vision and aims based on the work done on the Quality Chasm series. As nurse manager in an ED (Emergency department) you need to take this information and make it “real” for staff in the ED. You and the medical director will present this information to […]
Government in My Community ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, you will write about an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans in general. To do this, you will investigate the ways the government has or has not addressed your selected issue. As part of your research, you will choose at least […]