Samsung Construction is the founding of the Samsung Group. It is a South Korean multinational company headquartered in Samsung SEI Tower in which was founded in 1970. Samsung Construction has become a leader in the global construction industry with remarkable achievements on landmark projects worldwide and is known for actively involvement of various projects in […]
The spectrophotometer can measure the intensity of light absorbed indirectly by the solutes in solution because each solution has its own characteristic absorption chattels. The spectrophotometer can be used to measure the concentration of compounds in a certain solution. Differentiating compounds is another uses of spectrophotometer .It works by analyzing the pattern of wavelengths absorbed […]
In the last two decades, China has shown a spectacular growth in its share of world trade. Although China has already become third largest exporter in the world, a relatively balanced trade account remained in China until recent years. China’s trade surplus dramatically increased from approximately 32 billion US dollars, or 1.7% of China’s GDP […]
Economic growth is the increase in value of the goods and services produced by an economy. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or GDP. Growth is usually calculated in real terms, i.e. inflation-adjusted terms, in order to net out the effect of inflation on the price […]
Human population can be categorized into secretors and non-secretors based on A, B and H antigen on basis of presence or absence of these blood group antigens in the body fluids and secretions, such as saliva, sweat, tears, semen, serum, mucus present in the digestive tract or respiratory cavities etc. Secretors are individuals that secrete […]
Using the very large variation in the inflow of immigration across the states of US and other countries states we examine the force of immigration employment, average working hours, money growth and one most important, the total factors efficiency. At the same time we find striking proof that the total factors of increased productivity. These […]
Hard Rock Cafe is a success story in operation management . From its very first London pub in 1971 , after 39 years of existence Hard Rock cafe continued expanding and succeeding in many different countries. This paper will discuss how the 10 decisions of the Operation management were made on Hard Rock Cafe as […]
The general distribution of mangrove forests are in both tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world with them only being found at latitudes of 25oN and 25oS of the equator and in as high latitudes as 32 oC which is in 117 countries (Barbier & Cox 2003) where the sea surface temperature does not get […]
Mitsubishi was established in 1917 when they first released the mitsubishi model A which was the japans first-series production automobile.In 1970 the Mitsubishi Motor Company(MMC) was formed.In 1974, the company started its distribution to 1990, the company introduced the worlds first Traction Control System(TCS) and later super select 4WD and Multi-mode ABS in 1991 […]
Before the new era of societal marketing concept, this is where by people involves in farming to feed themselves and family. All the agricultural crops or food generated was not for sale but some of the output was bartered (i.e. subsistence economy or subsistence farming). The benefit of subsistence economy creates enough food for its […]