Cinematography is an art form, not just an aspect of a movie. Cinematography affects the mood and tone of a movie as well as the viewers feelings while watching a movie. In American Beauty this is demonstrated beautifully through camera techniques, lighting, and the framing of the shot. Camera techniques include aerial, deep focus, pan, […]
As Peter Ustinov says:” Parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth”; in other words, family as an invisible rope binds the family members together. Family is a group blood- related people living under one roof. That is a family including members as grandparents, parents and children. However, with the rapid development of […]
For past many years it has been searched that working life pattern is changing and a new concept of ‘Flexibility’ is evolving. This new type of system has been searched and argued and now seems to replace the old concepts like Taylorirm, Fordism or we can simply say bureaucracy. The debate on possible impacts of […]
In 1788 the King of Britain fell ill to an unknown illness spreading panic among country’s leaders. This essay will look into the Regency Crisis in order to answer the question ‘Why was the Regency Crisis a crisis?’ In order to answer this question first we will have to draw a clear definition of what […]
This Paper tries to link between the first two components of a marketing mix: product strategy and pricing strategy. In order to help decision makers to define the optimum pricing strategy for product mix. Marketers broadly define a product as a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy consumer wants. Therefore, product […]
Abstract Due to globalization, more interaction among Mauritian from diverse cultures, beliefs and backgrounds are increasing more than ever before in the working environment. Most people and companies are facing the need to communicate cross-culturally. Therefore, maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today. Unfortunately, due to cultural prejudices […]
These days, we use our information everywhere. And to secure them we use passwords. We have so many passwords that we can’t keep tracing them all. We don’t update them and when we do, it’s very hard to come up with good ones that we can still remember, and for that reason we don’t change […]
This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of colour on memory recall. 30 subjects were shown 15 slides. Each slide has one coloured images and one black and white images. After 3 minute-long filler task, the subjects were given two minutes to recall as many images they could remember. Statistical test was carried out […]
So Far From the Bamboo Grove was written by Yoko Kawashima Watkins. The story took place in the final days of World War II from 1945 to 1953. The story happened in a time when Koreans were determined to take back their county from Japan. They were tired of the Japanese people having control of […]
Nowadays, natural disasters, warfare, violent crime, acts of terrorism, domestic violence and child abuse are circumstances that significantly impact life in modern society (Bush, 2009). These events necessitate professional counselors to effectively treat the trauma associated with these personal and societal crises. When counselor are therapeutically engaged with a child or adult who has been […]