Rational organisational designs, suggested by Max Weber, rely on logic, order and authority, paying particular attention to the division of labour, promotion by merit and hierarchal control; with the belief that this provides perfection in organisations (French et al, 2009). Organisations implement this design with the optimism of increased efficiency; however, have dismissed social organisation […]
According to Sines & Saunders (2009), change is something that is different from present condition or appearance. There are different types of changes and every change has it’s own impact. The grounds for proposed change can be skill mix, relocation of services, access and entitlement, referral systems, working condition, staffing levels, resource allocation, management, professional […]
To justify imaging of a patient there are some points to consider and they include the value of the results being greater than the risk of the examination. Haller, Slovis, and Joshi, (2005). According to ICRP Publication 34 (1983), it is more difficult to shield ovaries in females than male gonads. A few factors like […]
This project is based on the use of technology to improve mathematics in secondary schools of Mauritius. It discusses about the various theories associated in the application of new means of communication and teaching-learning mathematics, as well as the available technological tools and their applications. After much research work, this project has been successfully completed […]
An interdepartmental work process in a hospital is a structured set of coordinated activities among various departments in a hospital that transform inputs into outputs. Processes are the strategic resources of a hospital which if managed to deliver outputs provide a competitive advantage. Processes seldom operate in isolation and need to be considered in relation to […]
One of the main reasons that developing economies remain poor is the fact that they cannot have access to credit. This is due to the insufficient collateral that poor have or because the monitoring cost of the banks is too high so lending in such groups is not profitable for the banks. Therefore poor do […]
Field-Programmable Device (FPD)- a general term that refers to any type of integrated circuit used for implementing digital hardware, where the chip can be configured by the end user to realize different designs. Programming of such a device often involves placing the chip into a special programming unit, but some chips can also be configured […]
The League of Nations was the originator to the United Nations. It represented a major attempt by the great powers after the First World War in the year (1914-1918) to institutionalize a system of collective security, and its founded covenant was formulated a part of the treaty of Versailles in the year 1919. The first […]
The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as “An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” Marketing gurus like Philip Kotler, Peter Drucker, Michael Porters and many others have emphasized enough upon the importance […]
The advanced care planning (ACP)process is concerned with ensuring the patient has expressed their wishes should their condition deteriorate, leaving them without mental capacity or unable to communicate their decision.(REF LCP)Part of this process is allowing the patient to create advanced decisions with regards to refusing treatment (Joseph, 2010). As end of life planning is […]