Introduction Errors are integral part of language acquisition. The phenomenon of error has long interested SLA researchers. In a traditional second language teaching situation, they are regarded as the linguistic phenomena deviant from the language rules and standard usages, reflecting learner’s deficiency in language competence and acquisition device. Many teachers simply correct individual errors as […]
Psychodynamic approaches are those that assume that the human personality development and disturbances is rooted in the interplay or dynamics of psychosocial energies that is the drives, needs and instincts within the individual or between the individual and society. Greenberg, J et al (1983:12) postulates that the ways in which the individual expresses these drives […]
Benchmarking is first and foremost a tool for improvement, achieved through comparison with other organizations recognised as the best within the area. In this chapter we will present some central definition, different type of benchmarking, and the motivation for using benchmarking. We do also try to position benchmarking I relation to other quality and improvement […]
The autonomous author portrays several human conditions in the morality play, Everyman. The human characteristics are rendered by the character, Everyman, who is a representative of mankind. Everyman soon learns of God’s plan when he meets the messenger Death, who has come to claim his soul in order to bring him for final judgment. Everyman’s […]
Organizational theories helps to motivate workers and employees so that they can perform their jobs in the best possible manner contributing to overall development of the organization. These provide courage and motivation to the employees in order to improve their working skills. There are two best known names for the development of theories :- Parlov […]
For a firm in its initial internationalisation, it will have to use indirect export strategies where it uses intermediary organisations that have the necessary experience in handling export sales on behalf of experienced or low level exporting organisations. As the firms export grows and the firm acquires knowledge in the export market including the preparations […]
In todays world, all businesses are facing the dynamic of world economy. In business world, there is always strong competition in the market with new business players and convergence of the industry. Companies have to adjust themselves in order to survive and to conduct good performances; even the market leader of the industry needs to […]
Introduction Under the contemporary society, in the face of a complicated changing competitive environment, the global sports giants (such as Nike, Adidas) are placing a considerate emphasis to compete in this hot market. Any enterprise or companies want to perpetuate in society without being defeated by their opponent must have the core competitiveness of enterprises, […]
The assurance of quality is an essential aspect for any organization wherein stringent measures are implemented for the processes as well as the products of the company. The quality standards for the respective industry are constantly being updated in keeping with environmental changes and the availability of the latest facilities on a global scenario. TQM […]
The history of African-Americans has been marked with both difficult as well as exhilarating moments in the past, as well as crucial figures that helped shape their general philosophy. Wee have leaders like Martin Luther King (civil rights movement), Huey Newton (Black Panther Party), Nat Turner (the slave revolt) (Nash). However, the Harlem Renaissance period […]