1. Definition: Productivity refers to rate at which energy is accumulated by green plant in unit time in the form of organic substance that can be used as food. 2. Types of Productivity: Productivity involves four successive Primary productivity Gross primary production Net Primary Production 2.1 Primary Productivity: The rate at which radiant energy is […]
In the new WTO led freer trade environment, Indian food industry can compete Globally only if it is price and quality competitive .Due to the liberalization of Indian economy and the onset of WTO regime, quality Competitiveness will matter most in Indian food industry. Hence serious consideration had given to quality issues in Indian food […]
Inflation has been a thorn in the side of the government for quite a while a while now. The rising prices of essential commodities especially food commodities, has affected the common man especially the poor. Knowing the fact that 32% of the total population still lives below poverty line in the country, makes this a […]
This coursework explains what information does ‘term structure of interest rate’ gives to finance executives while analyzing project. Term Structure of interest rate is important in formulating investment decisions. Term structure of interest rate compares the market yield (Saunders & Cornett, 2003, p. 190). The shape of the yield curve reflects the market’s future expectation […]
Nevertheless, like every single thing that is done by a human being, a helicopter has not just only one negative side. It is true that these machines are using primarily for attacking and fighting; but at the same time helicopters helped to save thousands of humans’ lives. Before we can understand how it is possible […]
An unfortunate term, perhaps, behaviour management, it implies that from the outset there will be poor behaviour to manage, and that we have precluded much about a student or cohort by considering management of behaviour from the outset. 1.0The truth though is that if we have not considered it at all, we will cause problems […]
“In announcing on Monday that her daughter Bristol was five months pregnant, Sarah Palin, John McCain’s choice for a running mate, added a quick qualification that might, in another era, have eliminated the potential for embarrassment: The 17-year-old girl was to be married to the 18-year-old father of the baby”. (Kershaw, 2008) “He would be […]
In cash Cows, generally the profits are high and there is high cash generation, but the market growth rate is very low as investment made is comparatively low. Normally a new coffee house like café bar which has recently opened its operations in India are categorized under Cash cows as they have just began their […]
The present study aims to assess the relationship of mindfulness with self-efficacy among academically low and high achievers as Confidence and belief in achieving goals is a good predictor of success. Mindfulness is an inherent state of consciousness that differs among individuals for a variety of reasons and that can be changed by individual. The […]
Essay title/Question number: Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of three nominal anchors that could be adopted by a Central Bank. Discuss why you think asset prices should or should not be adopted as a target of a monetary policy. The primary goal of a monetary policy is always to control inflation to maintain […]