Assignment Overview Each student must hand in an original five-page paper on the life and/or writings of David. It will be graded by content and MLA style. Resources Encountering the Old Testament, Chapters 14 & 17 The Bible, 2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles Guidelines Length-30 points 30 points: work is over five pages in length […]
Sex and Gender Discussion Topic View the videos (you may have to watch a 30 second commercial first). What are your thoughts on the “Princess Boy” & the “Girl Scout” videos? How do you think the parent(s) handled the situation? How do you think the parent’s messages about gender will influence the children’s gender identity? […]
Module 11 Classroom Assignment – Geriatric Functional Assessment Module 11 Content There are two parts to this assignment: A. You will be conducting a geriatric functional assessment. This geriatric functional assessment tool is the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living & depression screening tool At the end of the geriatric functional assessment, […]
The networking and telecommunication industry comprises devices, systems, and technologies that make communication over a distance possible. The initial years of traditional wired telephones are now a distant reality with today’s industry being defined by cutting-edge optical fibers, satellite communications, wireless communications, and the internet. To complete your initial post, select one of the following […]
NRNP6675 Focused SOAP Note Assignment Subjective Chief complaint: “I’m feeling really down and hopeless.” History of present illness: Mr. Tremaine reports that he has been feeling depressed for the past 6 months. He describes feeling sad, hopeless, and unmotivated. He has also lost interest in activities that he used to enjoy. He has difficulty sleeping […]
For this Discussion, your instructor will assign you a case number. Case L.W. is a nurse practitioner in an urban community. Many of her clients recently immigrated to the United States from various countries. She is challenged by the many different cultures she encounters and the different values and beliefs they hold toward Western medicine. […]
Did anyone else find the NCLEX practice tests enjoyable? On a different note, as of the time of writing, the link to the NCSBN is giving a 404 error. However, the candidate performance report provides invaluable information for individuals who have failed the exam. It helps identify weak areas that require special attention. Kalet et […]
Week 3 Discussion (The Self) BOOK Read Chapter 5 And the attached lecture Please answer all of the following questions: 1. Usually, the concepts of independent and interdependent self are discussed as something that differs between cultures. Do you think this is just a difference between cultures or is it also a difference between […]
Genogram A genogram is structurally like a family tree but serves a different purpose. Imagine a genogram as a family tree with much more detail about how the family members interact with one another. For example, a family tree might show us that “Emily and Kevin are married,” while a genogram could tell us that […]
Unit 5: Assignment #3 (due before 11:59 pm Central on WED JUL 5): To reinforce the skills you’ve learned previously, you will now create a Frequency Distribution Table and a Histogram for the final grades from Course A using the Final Grade Data Set. First, open the spreadsheet you saved as YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit05_FinalGradeData. Second, create a […]