Cells obtain energy through a process called respiration. Yeast normally respires aerobically. In the absence of oxygen, yeast carries out anaerobic respiration. Yeast carries out alcohol fermentation which is catalysed by the enzyme zymase to produces ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy. Ethanol is used in making wine. Alcohol fermentation equation: Glucose Alcohol + Carbon dioxide […]
Juliette Lanskey Introduction Pain perception protects the human body from damage, yet when the underlying mechanisms are disrupted pain can become a debilitating condition. There are almost 10 million Britains that suffer from pain on a daily basis affecting not only their personal wellbeing and quality of life but also the economy. Back pain […]
Introduction The equity market also known as stock market is the market for buyers and sellers to trade their equity instruments. There are a few types of equity securities, the most common form of equity securities are preferred stock and common stock. Equity market is important for a company because it allows a company to […]
STUDY OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF KUSHTA ABRAK SAFAID PREPARED BY DIFFERENT DETOXIFICATION METHODS Mohd Tariq, Khaleequr Rahman, Shahid Shah Chaudhary, Mohd Zakir Corresponding author. Mohd Tariq (M.D) Abstract Background: Kushtas are organo-mineral nano-particles made by treating mineral with several herbs and subjected to precise heat treatment. In classical Unani text, various methods for the […]
THE CAP REFORMS: 2005-2007 SOURAV ROY THE SUGAR REGIME REFORM (2005-06) The European Union (EU) forms one of the largest sugar producers in the world. This position was formed through the application of protectionist policies ranging from production and prices to exports and imports that is applicable throughout the EU. The policy that is prevalent […]
RINSON MAMMEN THEORIES FORMS AND PARAMETERS OF COMMUNICATION Theories of communication Actor-Network Theory suggests that human and non-human factors are equally influential in the success of technological innovation and scientific knowledge-creation. The theory looks at how networks are formed and how these networks contribute to these successes. It suggests that no one person or thing […]
The analysis of controlled drug abuse has been primarily been carried out using urine samples. This is then complemented further with use of other biological fluids such as blood, sweat and saliva. There are many advantages as to why urine is a better biological fluid to use in comparison to the other biological fluids. Some […]
The experiment was about the isolation and characterization of DNA. The DNA was isolated from the onion. The mass of the isolated DNA was 15.11 g. The purity of isolated DNA was estimated by calculating the ratio based from the absorbance at 260nm and 280nm resulted to 0.671 meaning more protein was absorbed. Meanwhile in […]