Topic HYPERTENSION Please include Article Summary and fill out TOOL Article Summary: Students are required to turn in one of the SOAP notes with attached evidence based article summary. The article should be assessed for evidence and quality level with the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice. The important information should be synthesized and the student […]
Nursing Discussion Board Questions: The nurse is using the son as the interpreter for Mr. Pierre. What other intervention should the nurse have started to initiate to establish good communication with him? Can you identify bias and/or stereotyping in this clip? What evidence of ethnocentrism do you see in this video clip? To what degree […]
As an autism specialist, you will often be called upon to make recommendations related to academic assessments, including selection of appropriate assessment tools, interpreting the data collected from assessments, and using data in the development of IEP goals. The IEP team will often rely on you to apply working knowledge of state assessments, curriculum-based measures, […]
Analyzes Role of Humans in the Spread of Disease INTRODUCTION Throughout history, societies have struggled to understand and contain the spread of highly infectious diseases. While more efficient modes of transportation allowed civilizations to be more interconnected, these advances allowed pathogens to spread beyond local communities and develop into pandemics. Two of the most devastating […]
Topic 4: Policy and Environmental Issues NRS 428 Topic 4: Policy and Environmental Issues Apply screening and referral principles to nursing care of populations. Examine the role of public health in addressing environmental issues. Evaluate the effectiveness of the U.S. health care system. Examine how policy in the U.S. health care delivery system affects specific […]
Optimising the Epidemiological Impact of Paediatric Immunisation with 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in the Netherlands: A Dynamic Transmission Modelling Approach Paediatric immunisation with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) has been shown to effectively reduce the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) caused by vaccine serotypes. The Netherlands introduced PCV13 into the national immunisation program in […]
Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace. This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed […]
DQ1: How can teachers serve as both advocates and allies in working with ELLs and their families? Share an example of how you, a colleague, or a mentor teacher has served as an advocate or ally for an ELL or ELL family. Describe what was done and how it relates to being an advocate or […]
Kantian Perspective Competency Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporary moral issues. Instructions In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue. Current contemporary moral issues range from genetic engineering to issues related to the use of torture in wartime. For this assessment you will need to research contemporary […]
Using the video from Episode 4 on Mr. Jones, answer two of the following prompts: Please identify each prompt you answer by number and restate the question in bold letters. Prompt 2: What two separate diseases are the main COPD diseases? Give background on each disease. Prompt 3: How does COPD correlate with left ventricular […]