It was in August 1999, when Hemrajani struck upon idea of selling movie tickets online to eliminate queues outside movie theatres in India. He was thinking for some time as to why there was no other way to find out the availability of movie tickets rather than stand in long queues. Backpacking from Johannesburg, he […]
“The final test of a leader is that he (sic) leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” [Lippmann , 1945] The quote from Walter Lippmann above highlights a major part of what a leadership entails. The ability to inspire others to carry on with work once we have […]
From the development of Stone Age to modern technology era, mankind is proving best in invention and innovation of new and latest technology. Technology is a system based on the application of knowledge, manifested in physical object and organization form for attainment of specific goal (Volti, 2006). Advancement in technology has changed the existence of […]
INTRODUCTION First of all, I would like to thank my lecturer Ms Oh whom guides me to do the assignment. I had done two questions from this assignment. First question is about slow economic growth and second question is private sector. From this assignment I will what the current economic growth in Bangladesh and what […]
August 6th, 1945, ushered in the beginning of a new era, one to be forever known as the Atomic Age. The dropping of the world’s first atom bomb over Hiroshima signalled a defining moment in human history. From that moment on the nuclear agenda would come to influence not only international affairs, but the everyday […]
Among the major macroeconomic policy in Malaysia is to achieve sustained economic growth. Continued economic growth means an increase and expansion of an economy of a country. Increased economic activity is shown by the ability of an economy to produce goods and services increasing. To achieve sustained economic growth will increase a country’s income and […]
Capacity management lies at the core of every successful operational strategy whether service or manufacturing. It is part of a larger corporate strategy which is a long term plan to achieve a certain target (Jones and Kutsch, 2007). It is imperative for every organization to know how well its capacity is being utilized as its […]
As a member of a minority group this subject is something of interest and has personal relevance to my experiences living in a pre-dominantly white society. The absence of appropriate Asian role models in the media such as television, films, history, newspapers and in positions of credible political and economic influence, stimulated a natural process […]
Emigration was the very important feature of Irish society for much of its history. Some periods are more associated with emigration than others. For example famine and post famine years. Despite Ireland had long established culture of emigration , the scale of the problem in the 1940s had much bigger influence on the country than […]
Waste management means collecting, transporting, processing, recycling and monitoring of the waste materials. The term waste management generally relates to those materials which are produced by human activity and is usually undertaken to reduce the effect of these activities on their health and environment. Waste management is also useful to recover useful resources from the […]