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Effective leadership in nursing is essential

Nursing Leadership 203 Case Study (Literature Review) Purpose The literature review is assigned to introduce the nursing student to evidence-based research, using online databases to search scholarly references, and writing scholarly work in APA format. Student Learning Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following student-learning outcome: ● SLO 12: Integrate respect for […]

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Date: March 3rd, 2023

The book, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Discussion Forum The book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, explores the idea of how television has affected the levels of public disclosure within contemporary America. It highlights the idea that television is slowly causing humans to recede intellectually. Therefore, the idea that Postman brings forward of Sesame Street bringing forth the notion that education is a […]

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Date: March 2nd, 2023

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Nursing Profession

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Nursing Profession 1. Identify 3 ways which COVID-19 has impacted patients in the community and/or healthcare system. Please give specific examples of patients you may have cared for or encountered. 2. Identify 2 ways that nursing care has been impacted by the pandemic. This may include direct patient care […]

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Date: March 2nd, 2023

Cross Curricular Thematic Unit Plan (5 Days Planning) Instructions

Cross Curricular Thematic Unit Plan (5 Days Planning) Instructions Cross Curricular Thematic Unit Plan (5 Days Planning): Students will plan 5 full day’s worth of teaching. The lessons MUST address these curricular areas: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and SEL. The lessons should be interdisciplinary for kindergaten. Essay format should be used. Theme of Unit: Please […]

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Date: March 1st, 2023

Substance abuse Case Study

Substance abuse Case Study A 27-year-old patient with a history of substance abuse is found unresponsive by emergency medical services (EMS) after being called by the patient’s roommate. The roommate states that he does not know how long the patient had been lying there. The patient received naloxone in the field and has become responsive. […]

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Date: March 1st, 2023

Bioethics helps determine what is responsible by considering four fundamental principles

Generally speaking, bioethics helps determine what is responsible by considering four fundamental principles: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. The principle of autonomy is about respecting people and their free will. Beneficence and nonmaleficence are two sides of the same coin: doing what is helpful and not doing what is harmful. Justice, in this context, has […]

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Date: February 26th, 2023

Many healthcare organizations are still working toward implementation

Many healthcare organizations are still working toward implementation of information Systems in an effort to be able to exchange data with other systems in their working environment. The importance of interoperability will continue to grow as one of the major drivers of this has been the formation of accountable care organizations (ACO’s). Electronic health records […]

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Date: February 26th, 2023

EUB203 Science in Early Childhood

EUB203 Science in Early Childhood Assessment 1 – Professional Plan: Details & Templates Overview Task description Assessment task 1 requires you to plan for and implement an individual micro-teaching episode, collegial feedback, based on a lesson/leaming expenence plan that will be presented face to face in tutonals for internal students and online via a zoom […]

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Date: February 26th, 2023

Building multicultural competence

Building multicultural competence. In order to build multicultural competence, we must reflect on our experiences in the larger social context. Think about a time when you felt different from others or you felt singled out because of your background (race/ethnicity/gender/sexual orientation/age/immigration status/veteran status/active duty status/etc.). Describe the event and accompanying thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You […]

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Date: February 26th, 2023

Federal legislation has redefined personnel management in U. S. organizations

Discussion Question 2 Over the last 40 years, federal legislation has redefined personnel management in U. S. organizations. Discuss the following: a. Describe the effect of the following legislations on organizations: Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. b. Show how these changes are “good business,” that […]

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Date: February 26th, 2023

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