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Posted: February 14th, 2023

The United States Criminal Justice System

Assignment Instructions
Term Paper Assignment Directions:
Each student is required to write a APA Style 6th edition term paper that consist of three (3) full pages of substance, not including the cover page and reference page.
It is more important that the 100 level student work on writing mechanics so that you start to demonstrate critical thinking in your written communications. Academic writing takes practice and is a process. The only way to improve academic writing skills is through practice and writing papers.
Each paper must include at least three peer-reviewed journal articles that support your analysis. Students must format in-text citations and references in APA Style 6th edition.
Your work will be graded using the CMRJ100 Term Paper Rubric. Make sure that you use the writing rubric as a checklist as you edit your paper and hit on all of the “Exemplary” areas of the rubric.
MEAL Plan for Paragraph Construction.
There is an APA Style Sample Paper and the APUS APA Style Reference Guide. Feel free to use the APA Style Sample Paper as a template to help you format your paper if you wish; however, you will not be graded on your ability to properly format in APA Style.
Students will be introduced to APA Style formatting as you progress in your studies; however, it is more important that you learn how to write in an organized manner, have a good thesis statement, supporting paragraphs that flow into the next paragraph, and start to demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing the literature at this level of your education.
• Stay away from using Quotes. Paraphrase your analysis and stay away from using quotes in your paper. What is needed is your original analysis of the literature. If you use direct quotes, you will lose points. Once again, your analysis in your original voice is needed.
• Think about the audience that you are trying to connect with in your paper. Are you writing to the discipline, profession, or policy-makers, etc.? Use scholarly language that demonstrates your command of the topic.
• Stay away from using first person voice. Work on using third person. Make sure you are not using the passive voice in your work. Use good time management and edit your paper looking for errors so that you submit your best work.
• A good tool to use for your academic writing is to set-up your Word document to check for basic spelling, English & grammar errors, passive voice, and first person. To do this you need to set-up the advance setting in your Word Spell Check. This tool is a great resource to help you establish good writing habits and edit your paper.
• Your work should be your own original writing. Please view the university plagiarism policy to avoid problems. Make sure to give credit to all sources that inspired your thinking with in-text citations in the body of your work and listed in alphabetical order on your reference list.
• Your work is to be submitted in a Word document and uploaded within the assignment section of the class. The Turnitin function will automatically check your work for originality once you have submitted work, and generate a report within 10-15 minutes of submitting the assignment. Both student and professor will be able to retrieve the Turnitin report.
• Writing should be organized and flow smoothly. Make sure that you edit your work before submitting so that you turn in your best quality work. Make sure to view the CMRJ100 Term Paper Rubric as checklist so that you cover all graded areas in paper.

Students must select one of the topics below to research and write on. The topic choice is up to the learner, but the top selection must come from this list.
• The United States Criminal Justice System
• Criminal Law in the United States
• The History of US Law Enforcement
• Compare different police patrol procedures
• Law Enforcement Jurisdiction
• Analysis of a Supreme Court Case (Student can select any US Supreme Court Case that impacted police producers or protocols)
• Federal law enforcement (select only one agency)
• Police Patrol Procedures (select one are to focus on)
• Local Police/Law Enforcement (Select a state, county, or city department)
• Technology used to enhance police patrol strategy
• History of US Jails
• The State Court System (Students are free to select the state court system they write about)
• Corrections (any area but it is advised to select a narrow topic)
The Term Paper is due by Sunday of Week Seven (7) by 11:55 PM (EST).

The United States Criminal Justice System
Institution of Affiliation:
Student’s Name:

The United States Criminal Justice System
The United States criminal justice system is a system of law enforcement system tasked with detaining, arraigning, defending, condemning and punishing individuals involved in criminal offenses. The US borrowed its justice system order from England that entailed using jails to punish major crimes and fines and short jail terms to punish petty offenders. In this respect, the criminal justice system ensures that there is law and order in the society and the citizens abide by the rules and laws set under the constitution. Additionally, the justice system in the United States is represented by various institutions that are tasked with various duties and responsibilities. All the institution within the justice system works as a network to ensure that justice is served to all in the most appropriate way. The united state justice system is a law enforcement system that is composed of various institutions aimed and ensuring that key components and goals in the maintaining law and order are attained.
A brief history of the United States justice system
To begin with, the United Justice system was inherited from England. In this respect, England used to jail and penalize criminals and law offenders. However, the US adopted evolutionary changes to the then justice system to attain the modern justice system. In this regard, American society has continually created mechanisms to enforce and institute laws in society and assign appropriate responsibility and punish offenders. Therefore, the United States has informed and enhanced the justice system inherited from the former colonial masters to the modern effective justice system.
Criminal justice system institutions
Consequently, the criminal justice system in the United States is composed of various institutions that have various responsibilities and they are headed by different officials (Hayes, 2007). In this case, the institutions involved in the justice system include the police, courts, and correctional. To start with, the justice system has the police as an institution that represents the civil authority of the government. In this case, the police in the justice system is tasked with enhancing public order and safety, investigate crimes, detecting and preventing crime as well as enforcing the law. Additionally, the police have the responsibilities of regulating and licensing activities. Consequently, there are the courts in the criminal justice that are tasked with interpreting, making decisions and holding laws. There are federal and state courts that are tasked with ensuring that justice is served in the most appropriate manner. Furthermore, there are correctional facilities tasked with handling people that have already been convicted of crimes. The correctional system ensures that the offenders’ sentence is carried out in community service, prison and in probation. The US justice system institution work hand in hand forming the structure that ensures that justice is served in maintaining law and order in the American society.
Criminal justice system components
The components of justice systems entail the coordinated functioning that ensures that offenders pay for their acts and repent for the same while at the same time recompensing the victims (Burke and Turtle, 2003). The components, in this case, included law enforcement, adjudication, and corrections. In this respect, law enforcement that involves getting reports from the witnesses and victims and apprehending the perpetrators of the crime. Also, the information received is verified and investigated. Equally important, the duties attached to law enforcement include arresting offenders, gathering and keeping evidence, defining the motive completing arrest reports. On the other hand, law enforcement has the responsibilities of protecting the rights of offenders, witnesses, and victims as well as adhering to police procedures. Moreover, there is the adjudication component that involves the handling of the court processes. The adjudicating component entails the legal processes taken in handling a case presented by the law enforcers. The adjudication process entails the pretrial services that entail the prosecutor deciding if the case is worth, an arraignment that involves pressing charges, trials that involved determining the guilt of a suspect, sentencing and death penalty that involves the delivering of judgment. Finally, there is the corrections component that involves rehabilitation, corrections of the sentenced offenders. The correctional component manages and handles the incarcerated convicts as well, as those who have been conditionally released. The main purpose of the correctional component is to enable the convicts to change their former ways to enhance their reentry and reintegration into the community.
The modern criminal justice system
The criminal justice system has gone through various phases and stages of development that are characterized with reforms (Tewksbury, Dabney and Copes, 2010). The reforms in the contemporary criminal justice systems have been experienced in all sectors from local police forces, legal recourse, investigative units, and the entire system. Additionally, there are new and advanced tools that are used to investigate, track and prosecute criminals. The changes and reforms experienced are geared towards improving the justice system by perfectly punishing the criminals and deterring criminal activities.
In conclusion, the criminal justice system exists in the society and it has structures and components to ensure that justice is served in all sections of the society. The US justice system was inherited from England as a way of punishing offenders through fines and jail terms. Moreover, the functions of the criminal justice system are done through the various institutions that include the police, courts and correctional facilities. Additionally, there are three components of criminal justice systems that include law enforcement, adjudication, and corrections to achieve the goals of the criminal justice system. Finally, the criminal justice system has experienced changes and reforms that are aimed at ensuring that justice is served efficiently.

Burke, T. M., & Turtle, J. W. (2003). Alibi evidence in criminal investigations and trials: Psychological and legal factors. Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services, 1(3), 193.
Hayes, S. (2007). Missing out: Offenders with learning disabilities and the criminal justice system. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35(3), 146-153.
Tewksbury, R., Dabney, D. A., & Copes, H. (2010). The prominence of qualitative research in criminology and criminal justice scholarship. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 21(4), 391-411.

Good Luck on the Assignment!

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