Theories based on interactive process i. Imogene king: theory of goal attainment major concepts and definitions Interactive process theories are an essential aspect of nursing practice that guides nurses in their interactions with patients. Two of the most influential interactive process theories in nursing are Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment and Sister Callista Roy’s […]
OBJECT RELATIONS THEORY Object relations theory is a psychodynamic theory that describes the process of developing a mind as one grows in relation to others in the environment. Ronald Fairbairn coined the term “object relations,” and Melanie Klein is most commonly associated with the term “object relations theory.” The theory emphasizes interpersonal relations, primarily in […]
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE THEORY by Leon Festinger Leon Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory (1957) explains how people handle psychological inconsistencies in their beliefs and actions. Festinger argues that inconsistency causes mental tension or dissonance, and people will attempt to resolve this tension in one of three ways: by changing their beliefs, changing their behavior, or changing their […]
The Fallacy of Scientific Objectivity: Challenging the Reliability of Scientific Theories The pursuit of scientific knowledge has always been regarded as the key to unlocking the mysteries of nature and understanding the world we live in. However, Hilary Lawson’s The Fallacy of Scientific Objectivity challenges the long-standing notion of scientific objectivity and reliability. Lawson argues […]
Kantian Ethics: The Importance of Moral Perspective, Will, Duty, and Freedom Kantian ethics emphasizes the conception and development of a moral standpoint, which is crucial to understanding the moral subject and its duties and responsibilities. Kant posits a perspective that equalizes all subjects into equal moral agents and holds them to universalizable moral and ethical […]
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: An Overview Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences proposes that intelligence is not a single entity that can be measured on a linear scale, but rather that there are multiple types of intelligence that are unique to individuals (Gardner, 2011). The theory challenges the idea that intelligence can be […]
The Role of Change and Chaos in Science Concepts and its Implications for Society This paper analyzes two short films, “Deep Dive” and “Leadership and the New Science,” to explore the concept of change and chaos in the natural environment and its relationship with human activity and relationships. Both films highlight the significance of change, […]
Experiential Learning (Kolb) David A. Kolb’s experiential learning theory is a cyclical model of learning that combines experience, perception, cognition, and behavior. It builds upon the work of John Dewey and Kurt Levin and posits that knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. This paper will examine Kolb’s theory, including its four stages of […]
Mindset Theory: Understanding Fixed vs. Growth Mindset (Dweck) – Identity Theories Do intelligence and other traits come from innate and fixed factors or are they variable factors that can be influenced through learning, effort, training, and practice? Carol S. Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford University, proposed mindset theory to understand the effects of people’s beliefs […]
Flipgrid: Video Discussion Tool For Fostering A Community Of Learners – Media & Technology Theories Flipgrid: Fostering a Community of Learners through Video Discussions The divide between educational theory and practice has long been a criticism of the field. However, educational technology has the potential to bridge this gap by designing instruction that aligns with […]