Purpose The student previously analyzed their performance on the integrated comprehensive assessments and reflected on areas of opportunity and strategies to promote NCLEX-RN success and transition into practice. The student will now apply the priority concept (topic) to evidence-based professional practice upon which nurses have the ability to resolve or have a positive impact. There […]
Telepsychiatry and Pharmacogenetic Telepsychiatry refers to the practice of delivering mental health care services remotely using telecommunication technology, such as video conferencing or phone calls. Telepsychiatry can be an effective way to increase access to mental health care for people who live in remote or underserved areas or have difficulty traveling to in-person appointments. Pharmacogenetics […]
Explanation of screening and treatment plan This assignment will provide you, a future counselor, an overview of the various components of the screening and assessment process. Write a 750-1,000-word paper that addresses the following: 1. Explanation of screening and treatment plan. 2. Description of the various components of a comprehensive assessment. 3. Explanation of the […]
Subject: UNCC 300: Justice and Change in a global world ASSESSMENT TASK 2: ANALYTIC TASK In this task students will analyse the extent to which a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) incorporates human dignity and the common good in practical ways. Carefully read SDC 13 (Climate change). Choose one target, either target 13.1 or target 13.3 […]
Sure, here are the revised slides with speaker notes aimed at a grade 9-12 audience: Slide 1: Title Slide Title: Understanding the United States Constitution Presenter: [Presenter’s name] Date: [Presentation date] Speaker notes: Hello, and welcome to our presentation on the United States Constitution. Today, we will be discussing the basic structure of the Constitution, […]
Case study ~ UNIT 2 Part I: Initial Nursing Assessment Jackie Frost is a 74-year old male to female (transgender) with a past medical history of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), Multiple Myeloma (currently in remission), Myasthenia Gravis. She was prescribed a 5-day course of dexamethasone and a Salbutamol inhaler by her family physician for respiratory […]
NR293 Pharmacology for Nursing Practice Medication Teaching PlanGuidelines The purpose of this assignment is for the student to synthesize pharmacological knowledge (i.e., core drug knowledge, core patient variables, and nursing implications) of pharmacotherapeutic agents into a useful teaching and learning tool for nurses and patients. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the […]
NR293 Pharmacology for Nursing Practice Medication Teaching Plan Guidelines The purpose of this assignment is for the student to synthesize pharmacological knowledge (i.e., core drug knowledge, core patient variables, and nursing implications) of pharmacotherapeutic agents into a useful teaching and learning tool for nurses and patients. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet […]
Nutrition in pregnancy Nutrition in Pregnancy Introduction Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life that requires optimal nutrition to support the development of the fetus and maintain the health of the mother. However, inadequate nutrition during pregnancy can lead to adverse outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal morbidity and […]
Cassell case study SOWK 321 The original source for this case study comes from Cases for intervention planning: A source book (1993) by Molly R. Hamcock and Kenneth Miller. It has been revised for SOWK 321 use at Metropolitan State University by Dr. Monica Roth Day. Agency: Children’s Hospital and Clinics, St. Paul, Minnesota Referral […]