Module 07 Live Classroom – Diet Therapy for an MI Module 07 Content 1. To prepare for the live classroom session and your written submission, use your chapter readings and course materials. The focus for this live classroom is a discussion about diet therapy for a 58 year old woman who experienced her first MI […]
A mother brings her 14-year-old daughter, Gloria, to the clinic for a checkup. The mother voices concern that her daughter hasn’t begun menstruating yet: “I was 13 years old when I got my first period.” The nurse assesses Gloria and finds breast buds and sparse pubic hair. There is no evidence of axillary hair. Gloria’s […]
Pscyh Discussion. Mary Rose is nine years old. She is adopted. Her biological mother suffered from depression and her biological father was abusive. Mary Rose was removed from the home at age three, but not before witnessing excessive arguing between her parents, including physical fighting. Mary Rose spent time in foster care before being adopted […]
Use Diagnostic Tool for psychiatric diagnosis Write a 4-5 page paper describing use of a specific screening tool. Your writing Assignment should: • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; • be a minimum of 4 pages in length, […]
Case Study A 75-year-old man with a… Patient: Name: John Smith Age: 75 Gender: Male Race: White Occupation: Retired Medical history: Hypertension, diabetes, environmental allergies, colon polyps Medications: Lisinopril, metformin XR, aspirin, loratadine Chief complaint: Persistent dry hacking cough that does not improve with over-the-counter treatment History of present illness: The patient is a 75-year-old […]
NR392 All Weeks Discussions Latest Week 1 Discussion: Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Think of an area of opportunity within your current or former clinical setting that is quality driven. Define (D) one nursing care issue (not a workforce issue such as staffing) from a current or former nursing workplace (or clinical setting) […]
Ethical and Cultural Perspectives of Inquiry Paper Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.) Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic. Choose a “Level […]
Policy discretion In 4 – 5 pages, you will describe a health policy of your choice. The chosen policy can be at any level (i.e. international, national, institutional …). Please include: – Detailed description of the policy (goal, target, where, at what level …) – The policy context: relevant background information, what problem led to […]
Describe some examples of ways nurses use emotional intelligence (EI) in their care of themselves and/or of patients and families. What is the significance of EI to nurse leadership? Provide a detailed outline of how EI can be used by nurse managers to develop a mentoring and coaching program for nurses within their unit (make […]
The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Nursing and Health Reform The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was passed into legislation in March of 2010. Identify the impact of this legislation on your nursing practice by choosing two key nursing provisions outlined in the topic material “Nursing and Health Reform.” Discuss how […]